I can proofread and edit my own writing and the writing of others.
- National Honor Society members who are in need of community service hours, see Mrs. Westrate for information about a fun and easy way to earn hours.
- Seniors, if you do not have Mrs. Herwick for class this trimester, please stop by her room and pick up a copy of your senior letter. This has important information concerning graduation, and the last few weeks of school.
- The FFA Banquet is being held on Friday the 27th in the Cafeteria starting at 6:00PM.
- High school boys, if you are interested in some after school work, see Mrs. Stump ASAP for details.
- Attention juniors and seniors: If you are interested in taking dual enrollment classes at SMC next year, sign up in the guidance office right away.
- ATTENTION JUNIORS: If you are puzzled about college next year, you might want to attend Junior Day at Lake Michigan College on Wednesday, April 22. You can learn about degree and transfer programs, participate in the Spring Fling fun day and meet LMC professors. Lunch will be provided. See the posters near the guidance office for more information.
- Middle school students, if you did not buy a yearbook – you’re in luck, we have a few extra copies. See Mrs. May with $13 to reserve your copy. It’s on a first come, first serve basis.
- "Ranger Gear for Softball" is available. Order forms are in the office. Pick one up today.
- Seniors: If you live in LaGrange Township and plan to attend SMC, see the guidance office for the LaGrange Twp. SMC Scholarship.
Seniors: On the window of the guidance office is the list of seniors still needing community service hours, and the number of hours they still need before graduation. We would like to remind you that you have approximately six weeks to complete these hours. Community service hours are A GRADUATION REQUIREMENT. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR SERVICE HOURS COMPLETED OR YOU WILL NOT GRADUATE.- Vision screening will next Monday, March 30th in the morning for 7th and 9th graders.
- Friday, April 3rd is a half day and Spring Break starts on Aptil 6th.
- There is a board meeting on April 13th at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
- Mr. Habra will be out of the building on April 1st for a presentation at LCISD.
- PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at http://www.cassopolis-schools.org/pinnacle/PIV . A letter should have arrived with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
We are not going to solve today's problems relying on the past's paradigm.
-Author Unknown