I can use and identify similes and metaphors.
I can use data to find the mean, median and mode. The mean is also called the average. The median is the middle number. The mode is the number that occurs the most.
- Important Varsity Club meeting Monday, April 27th at 7:20 in Mr. Hood’s
room. - Need something to do this weekend? Why not spend some time with Charlie Brown? Show times for the spring musical, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown are 7:30 Friday and Saturday and 2:00 Sunday. Tickets are $5.00. Come and show your support for your fellow classmates.
- CONGRATULATIONS to Cody Hulett for winning the Asset Builders Scholarship from the Volunteer Center of Southwestern Michigan. Cody was recognized for his service to the school, community and nation.
- National Honor Society members who have not yet paid their dues or NHS
stole money need to get it to Mrs. Westrate ASAP. Juniors owe $5.00 and
Seniors owe $20.00. - The Red Cross Blood drive is scheduled for Friday, May 1st. You must be 17
by May 1st and have no new piercings or tattoos within the past year in
order to donate blood. Interested staff and students, see Mrs. Westrate to
sign up. - It’s back, 7/8th grade football tournament on May 16 from 3:30 until 6:30 p.m. Basketball will also be played. If you have not turned in a permission slip to Mr. Francisco, you must do so in order to participate. You may pick one up in the office.
- Seniors: On the window of the guidance office is the list of seniors still needing community service hours, and the number of hours they still need before graduation. We would like to remind you that you have approximately six weeks to complete these hours. Community service hours are A GRADUATION REQUIREMENT. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR SERVICE HOURS COMPLETED OR YOU WILL NOT GRADUATE.
- SENIORS: There are two new SMC scholarships in the guidance office. If you are planning to attend SMC and study business, please stop in and pick up a scholarship application. There is also a Creative Writing scholarship available.
- The Cassopolis Education Association is giving two $200 scholarships. Applications are in the guidance office. These are due Monday, May 4th. Be sure to follow directions.
- High School cheerleading tryouts are coming soon – tryout practices will be from 3 to 4 on May 4th and 5th and the tryouts will be after school on Wed., May 6th. Start preparing now!
- Seniors: If you have asthma, see guidance for a scholarship opportunity.
- Seniors planning to attend Baker College in the fall - May 1 is the deadline for Baker College Board of Regents and Baker College Career scholarships
- Seniors please be sure and check with Mrs.Anderson or Mrs. Stump starting this week for any fees you owe for books, uniforms, etc. These fines must be paid before you are allowed to graduate.
- High School Yearbook: Rising Stars will be for sale through May 1st for
$45. See Miss Borsa or a Yearbook Staff member to get your order form.
Also, you may go to the High School Website to purchase your book online! - The Sophomores are having their annual spaghetti dinner and auction on April 24th at 6:00 PM in the high school cafeteria.
- Mr. Habra will be out of the building on April 21st for an educational legal update.
- The next Cassopolis Board of Education meeting will be on April 27th at 7:00 PM in the high school library.
- The Band and Choir are having their Spring Concert on Wed., May 6 at 7:00 PM in the auditorium. Hope to see you there!
- Friday, May 8th is the last day for seniors! It is also the date of out 6th, 7th & 8th grade Aloha Dance!
- A meeting to determine a long-term future graduation date will occur on April 29th at 7:00 PM in the auditorium. All parents are invited.
- PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at http://www.cassopolis-schools.org/pinnacle/PIV . A letter should have arrived with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week:
Never do more of anything unless you have the courage to declare what you will do less of.