Friday, December 18, 2009

Rangerpaloza 2009!

See you in Janurary!

Friday, December 4, 2009

JAG goes to DC

Jobs for America's Graduates, (JAG), a program funded through Michigan Works, has two classes of our students here at Cassopolis Ross Beatty. This national program has four sites here in the state and one student from each site attended the national conference in Washington DC.
To attend, the student had to go through a lengthy application process with a strict deadline. Ms. Dahl, our JAG teacher reviewed the applications with a committee until a decision was finally made. They got to fly out through Chicago, visit the White House and several of the National Memorials and attend multiple sessions on leadership. Our student had a great time and was considered one of the best representatives in attendance. Congratulations to all!

Math Focus

I can interchange percents, fractions and decimals. 50%=1/2=.5

English Focus

I can use context clues, meaning I can use the words around unfamiliar words determine meaning.

  • Any high school girls interested in playing softball the sign up sheet is in the office. Also, there will be an open gym on Sunday December 6 from 3:00 until 6:00 p.m. for any high school girl that would like to come out for softball.
  • If you are interested in Rangerpalooza sign up with Mrs. May or Mrs. Westrate TODAY. We need to know what musical talent you plan on showcasing and the names of all involved. If you plan on singing, your background music must be the instrumental version.

  • Juniors and Seniors: Baker College will be here on Wednesday, December 9 to meet with interested students. Sign up in the guidance office.

  • Coach Moore, our new Varsity Boys basketball coach would like to introduce “whiteout” night on Friday December 11, 2009. Coach Moore is asking that everyone come to the game on the 11th and wear white shirts to show support of our boys.
  • Seniors: Please be sure to check the blue scholarship list in the guidance office. New scholarships are arriving weekly.
  • Ceramic Students - Mrs. Johnson is cleaning out the kiln room next week. If you want your art - come get it or talk to her. On December 14th - it might be gone!
  • Students interested in attending the Fine Arts Festival with the Visual Arts Group - Remember you need to bring two pieces of art for judging the first day back from Winter Break. Your vacation is a great time to do the work without interruption. Don't be late! The cut-off date is January 4th
  • Mr. Habra and Mr. Francisco will be out of the building on the morning of Dec. 8th. for a Data Based Decision Workshop.
  • Mr. Habra will be out of the building from about 10-2 on December 12th for the County Principal's Meeting.
  • December 18th is a half day for the students, and the last day before the Holiday Break. Classes resume on Jan. 4th, 2010.
  • The Principal Advisory Council meets every 4th Monday in the High School Conference room at 6:00 PM. The next meeting is January 25th.
  • The next Board meeting is December 14th in the High School Library at 7:00 PM.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . If you need your login information you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.

Teacher Section

  • Breakfast duty the week of December 7: 7:20-7:35 Herwick and Hood; 7:35-7:45 Jekel and Mourning
  • It’s that time again teachers to show your holiday spirit by participating in the Holiday Door Decorating contest. The theme this year is Christmas songs: There are first, second and third place prizes.

  • If you have not turned in your positive comments sheet, please turn it in to Mrs. Anderson as soon as possible. If you need a copy we have those at the front desk.

Quote of the Week :

The more frequently a person acts like a fool, the greater the odds that it is not an act.

-Todd Whitaker