Thursday, September 27, 2007

Spanish Class Marches to the Parts of the Body

This week, I was invited by Mrs. Sandra Donakowski, our Spanish teacher to come in and listen to the students sing a song (to the tune of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic) about the parts of the body in Spanish. It was really great to see the students learning in action and to have them be excited enough about it that they wanted to share it with me. In fact, they have asked if they could march the hallways and sing it to the student body! I managed to film a little of their song, so click on the picture/box below to watch.


  • Enrichments and Tutorials went very well this past week. Next week will also be an enrichment and tutorial week.
  • Spirit Week starts with Powder Puff Game on Sunday, September 30th at 7:00PM
  • Monday is Pajama Day, Tuesday is Favorite College Day, Wednesday is Clash Day, Thursday is Cass Color Day (Sr.-Red, Jr.-White, Soph.-Black. Frosh.-Green, Staff-Yellow) and Friday is Blue and White Day
  • Wednesday, October 3rd, we are very excited to welcome Dr. Underwood from MSU. He will be talking to our 7th and 8th graders about the importance of staying in school. Dr. Underwood has been at the school in the past and his lecture is always well received. &th grade will be called to the auditorium at noon and the 8th graders at one o'clock. Teachers, please accompany your students and seat them in the center section starting in the front row. It is requested that you sit with your class.
  • Thursday, October 4th, lunch will be served outside. A guest chef will be grilling hamburgers, and we will have baked beans, corn on the cob, chips, and sherbet for dessert. Thank you Mrs. Bright and the whole cafeteria staff!
  • The parade is this Friday. The times are approximate, but it will be at Squires at 12:45 PM, SAMES at 12:55, and at the RBJSHS at 1:20
  • Bethel College will be here on Oct 5th at 9:00 AM
  • Central Michigan University will have a representative in the building at 10:30 AM on Oct 8th
  • Indiana Tech will have a representative in the building at 9:00 AM on Oct 11th
  • October 12th is picture day! Wear your best.

Quote of the Week

If you tell the truth, you don't need a long memory. -Jesse Ventura

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