Thursday, October 25, 2007

Physics Day and Singing about Sound

On October 22nd, a group of students, Miss Hawkins, Miss Vanderlann and myself, joined the other high schools in the county to attend Michigan State University Physics Day. We were able to visit the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL), an atom smasher, and heard speakers tell us what they do there, how they do it, and why. We also went and saw a show at Abrahms' Planetarium on how the universe was formed. Our students were the most polite and appropriate of the entire group that was in attendance. We asked the right questions, followed instructions, listened attentively, and represented Cassopolis Public Schools in the highest possible light. Of course, I may be a little prejudiced.
We really had a great time and we learned a lot, but science is a class that takes building blocks to understand. Before a student can understand atom smashing, they need to start with basic scientific properties. One of those properties is that of sound. Mrs. May's 7th grade science class is working hard to understand those properties. One way they do it is with song. Below are the words to the song the students are singing. It's titled "Sound all Around" and it's sung to a familiar tune:
Sound all Around
When you're listening to a CD
The sounds you hear, but the waves you can't see
Sounds travels at different speeds
Depending on what the medium may be
In a solid, liquid or gas, the sound will usually pass
In a solid it's fast, in a gas it comes last, and in a liquid somewhere in between

Integers-Positive and Negative numbers, opposites, and temperatures.
Grammar/Usage- Speaking and writing while using correct English
  • Oct. 26th is Senior Picture Day, from 9-1.
  • Oct. 27th, the ACT test will be held here at the high school for those students who have signed up. Get a good night's rest and eat a good breakfast, it will help!
  • October 29th, Olivet college will be here
  • The rest of the MME will be given to those seniors who have signed up for it on October 30th and 31st. This is only for specific seniors.
  • Oct. 31st, Berrian Springs High School is sending a team to visit and observe our Enrichment/Tutorial program. If you want information on the program, please call us here at (269) 445-0541.
  • Oct. 31st from 5-7 PM there will be a Haunted Hallway and hay rides. Come get scared!
  • Oct. 29th and 30th are practice for the 7th and 8th grade cheer leading squad and try-outs will be on Nov. 1st in the high school cafeteria.
  • On November 1st Mr. Bryant and I will be making some home visits.
  • On Monday, Nov. 5th, Grace Bible College and Eastern Michigan University will both be visiting
  • November 5th, from 3-4:30 is HS Cheer leading practice, and November 7th, from 3-5 are tryouts.
  • We have Parent-Teacher conferences on Nov. 8th from 2:30-5:00 PM and from 6:00-8:30 PM, and on Nov. 9th from 9:00-11:30 AM and from 12:30-3:00PM

Quote of the Week

I've learned that enthusiasm and success just seem to go together. -Felix Abisheganaden

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Time to eat!

Ask a student what their favorite class is and the answers will vary. Some like the structure of math, others like the stories in social studies, and still others prefer the expression they find in music or art. Ask a student what their favorite part of school is, and most will tell you "lunch!"
Lunch is an important part of the day. The students think they have less rules to follow, they think of it as free time with their friends, or they are just hungry by then and need to recharge their batteries. In truth, they are only half-right.
They have less of the school's rules to follow, but they have a lot of rules they impose on each other. They have free time with their friends, but that freedom is exercised in a place made safe by people like Mr. Francisco (the Assistant Principal), Mr. Bryant (the School Resource Officer), Mrs. Stuztman (at that time, our lunch line aide), the cafeteria workers, and every other adult, including the parents and guardians, who have helped guide them to follow the rules that keep everyone safe. Finally, they do get to recharge their batteries, but if it weren't for Mrs. Bright's excellent food, and the timers on the pop and candy machines, they might not be making the best choices in the way they do it.
Still, lunch is fun. You can see the students are having a good time just by walking through the lunchroom. We have a great school and a great school cafeteria. Stop by the office, and come join us for lunch! (10:20 MS, 11:35 HS)

Integers-Positive and Negative numbers, opposites, and temperatures.
Grammar/Usage- Speaking and writing while using correct English
  • This Saturday, Oct 20th, from 8-10:30 is the Annual Volleyball Pancake breakfast. $5.00 for all-you can eat.
  • Physics Day at MSU is on Monday, October 22nd. Several students will spending the day doing a multitude of hands-on activities.
  • MEAP testing continues through Oct. 26th for the 7th and 8th grade.
  • Oct. 26th is Senior Picture Day, from 9-1.
  • Oct. 27th, the ACT test will be held here at the high school for those students who have signed up. Get a good night's rest and eat a good breakfast, it will help!
  • The rest of the MME will be given to those seniors who have signed up for it on October 30th and 31st. This is only for specific seniors.
  • Oct. 31st, Berrian Springs High School is sending a team to visit and observe our Enrichment/Tutorial program. If you want information on the program, please call us here at (269) 445-0541.
  • Oct. 31st from 5-7 PM there will be a Haunted Hallway and hay rides. Come get scared!
  • Oct. 29th and 30th are practice for the 7th and 8th grade cheer leading squad and try-outs will be on Nov. 1st in the high school cafeteria.

Quote of the Week

When in doubt, tell the truth. -Mark Twain

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Skits/October Objectives

On Tuesday this past week, Mrs. Ridge's class performed a series of skits that I was fortunate enough to be invited to witness. It takes a lot of preparation, creativity and courage to stand in front of one's friends and perform. The person performing risks being laughed at or ridiculed about how he or she did, and no one likes that. Still, stretching our students to take these kind of calculated risks, to prepare the best they can and then try, is a valuable life skill that is an important part of every child's learning. No one can acquire greatness without taking a chance, and the courage to do so must be there first. Thomas Edison said: "I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work." To find the 10,000 ways, a student has to be willing to try 10,000 things. Mrs. Ridge is giving our students a safe place to risk the first try.

October Objectives
As I said last week, part of the Plan/Do/Check/Act model is that every month has its own objective for math and English. These objectives are based on the data from past tests (MEAP, MME, NWEA, etc.) that we give to our students. The teachers spent some time this summer going over the data and picked the areas the students find the most challenging. Now, we spend a month focused on these areas. These objectives are posted all over the school, they are broadcast every day with daily announcements, and everyone from teachers to coaches seek ways to interject these things into a variety of experiences. I am going to start posting them here as well so that any parents who read them will have a chance to ask their students about them.
Integers-Positive and Negative numbers, opposites, and temperatures.
Grammar/Usage- Speaking and writing while using correct English
  • October 12th (tomorrow) is picture day! Wear your best!
  • MEAP testing continues for the next two weeks in the 7th and 8th grade. The students are testing in their classes in the morning and are receiving snacks, but it will help if they have eaten a good breakfast and get a good night's sleep.
  • The Principal Advisory Council meets on Monday, October 15th at the high school office conference room. All are welcome!
  • The PSAT and the PLAN will be given on Oct. 17th. All Sophmores take the PLAN and those juniors who have signed up take the PSAT. Contact Ms. Angus at 445-0533 for more information
  • The ASVAB has been cancelled.
  • 9th grade Social Studies MEAP retakes will be done on Thursday, Oct. 18th during first hour in the library. Any student who missed part or all of the test will take it at this time.
  • WMU will have a representative in the building on Oct. 18th at 8:30 AM
  • Physics Day at MSU is on Monday, October 22nd. Several students will spending the day doing a multitude of hands-on activities.

Quote of the Week

Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right. -Henry Ford

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Making Learning Fun!

Mr. Shultz has to teach 8th graders about measurement and conversion from the Metric to the English system. I am not a math teacher, (I could teach Social Studies and English) so to me this sounds like a difficult and boring proposition (which is why I don't teach math). Still he thought it was great! As you can see, he found a way to have his students do fun and active things in the classroom (well actually it was in the gym), measure them and convert them. The students were excited by it, even asking Mr. Francisco to fold paper airplanes for them. I'm glad they enjoyed it.

I mentioned earlier how we are using some of the time at school, two days a week, to provide enrichment and tutorials for our students. I know there were some questions about how valuable it is to do this, so I want to share a story. On Monday, the first school day after the first four-question test the math teachers gave to all the students to determine who would be in tutorials and who would be in enrichment, a student approached me. He said he didn't think he was cut out for Algebra II. He said it was too hard for him and even though he was getting A's in all his other classes he could already see the writing on the wall and it read "you are going to get an F." He said he had failed his test and he did not get the information so he was going just withdraw and go to alternative education. I managed to reason with him and convince him to tough it out until the trimester. We parted with him shaking his head, but saying he would try.

A very different expression was on that young man's face on Friday as he walked up and shook my hand. He said: "Mr. Habra, those tutorials are the best idea we ever had at this school! I understand now and my grade has gone way up!" I assured him I would tell the teachers, since it is their idea, and he smiled as he thanked me again. Teachers wait years to hear statements like that. It is proof that what we do matters. I am pleased I was able to pass this on, not only to them, but to you as well.

Another part of the program is having monthly objectives that everyone in the building knows about and tries to use as we work with the students. There is one in math and another in English. This month's objectives are:

Integers-Positive and Negative numbers, opposites, and temperatures.

Grammar/Usage- Speaking and writing while using correct English

  • Tomorrow is Blue and White day! The game starts at 7:30 and I hope to see you there!
  • The parade is also tomorrow. The times are approximate, but it will be at Squires at 12:45 PM, SAMES at 12:55, and at the RBJSHS at 1:20
  • Bethel College will be here on Oct 5th at 9:00 AM
  • Central Michigan University will have a representative in the building at 10:30 AM on Oct 8th
  • Indiana Tech will have a representative in the building at 9:00 AM on Oct 11th
  • October 12th is picture day! Wear your best
  • The Principal Advisory Council meets on Monday, October 15th at the high school office conference room. All are welcome!
  • The PSAT and the ASVAB will be given on Oct. 17th to those Juniors who wish to take them. Contact Ms. Angus at 445-0533 for more information
  • WMU will have a representative in the building on Oct. 18th at 8:30 AM

Quote of the Week

If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it! - Olin Miller