Thursday, October 18, 2007

Time to eat!

Ask a student what their favorite class is and the answers will vary. Some like the structure of math, others like the stories in social studies, and still others prefer the expression they find in music or art. Ask a student what their favorite part of school is, and most will tell you "lunch!"
Lunch is an important part of the day. The students think they have less rules to follow, they think of it as free time with their friends, or they are just hungry by then and need to recharge their batteries. In truth, they are only half-right.
They have less of the school's rules to follow, but they have a lot of rules they impose on each other. They have free time with their friends, but that freedom is exercised in a place made safe by people like Mr. Francisco (the Assistant Principal), Mr. Bryant (the School Resource Officer), Mrs. Stuztman (at that time, our lunch line aide), the cafeteria workers, and every other adult, including the parents and guardians, who have helped guide them to follow the rules that keep everyone safe. Finally, they do get to recharge their batteries, but if it weren't for Mrs. Bright's excellent food, and the timers on the pop and candy machines, they might not be making the best choices in the way they do it.
Still, lunch is fun. You can see the students are having a good time just by walking through the lunchroom. We have a great school and a great school cafeteria. Stop by the office, and come join us for lunch! (10:20 MS, 11:35 HS)

Integers-Positive and Negative numbers, opposites, and temperatures.
Grammar/Usage- Speaking and writing while using correct English
  • This Saturday, Oct 20th, from 8-10:30 is the Annual Volleyball Pancake breakfast. $5.00 for all-you can eat.
  • Physics Day at MSU is on Monday, October 22nd. Several students will spending the day doing a multitude of hands-on activities.
  • MEAP testing continues through Oct. 26th for the 7th and 8th grade.
  • Oct. 26th is Senior Picture Day, from 9-1.
  • Oct. 27th, the ACT test will be held here at the high school for those students who have signed up. Get a good night's rest and eat a good breakfast, it will help!
  • The rest of the MME will be given to those seniors who have signed up for it on October 30th and 31st. This is only for specific seniors.
  • Oct. 31st, Berrian Springs High School is sending a team to visit and observe our Enrichment/Tutorial program. If you want information on the program, please call us here at (269) 445-0541.
  • Oct. 31st from 5-7 PM there will be a Haunted Hallway and hay rides. Come get scared!
  • Oct. 29th and 30th are practice for the 7th and 8th grade cheer leading squad and try-outs will be on Nov. 1st in the high school cafeteria.

Quote of the Week

When in doubt, tell the truth. -Mark Twain

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