Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Real Celebrities

The other day, a member of the community came up and introduced herself and I did the same, not having met her in the past. A few minutes later she came up and apologized. I asked her why she was sorry and she said "Well, you're a local celebrity and I should have recognized you." All I could think is how I am anything but a celebrity. Celebrities are the stars of the show. They are the people that spend every day making it possible to teach our students what they need to learn "...the academic, technological and cultural competencies necessary to compete in a global society." Celebrities are supposed to be celebrated and too often that is some kind of a figurehead (like a principal) when the real celebration should be taking place for the people who have to adjust everyday and make it all happen. One of those groups of people is our custodial staff.
We have a fantastic custodial staff. They work under difficult conditions and always get it done. In-between cafeteria set-up, classroom clean-up and game preparation and tear-down, there is the student who was sick in the hallway, the play, or presentation, or concert in the auditorium, the board meeting in the library, clogged drains in the kitchen and on and on and on.
They do it all and they do it for students.
Help me celebrate them with a smile, a handshake, or a thank you the next time you see them in the hallway or at the grocery store. They deserve it. No student, school or principal could survive without them. They are the celebrities we should all apologize too because we don't notice them enough, and I am the most guilty because it is so easy to take for granted something that works so well you hardly see it. Thank you, I, and our students, appreciate it.

December Objectives

Vocabulary Enrichment: Using the words around unfamiliar words to determine meaning (context clues)
Percents & Fractions: Changing percents to fractions, like .50 to 1/2
  • December 12th Herff Jones will be here at 10:15 AM to meet with seniors to take orders for invitations and other graduation accessories.
  • December 12th is the Honor Roll Breakfast-Invitations and other information will arrive in the mail soon.
  • On December 15th the Afro Club will have a Dodge Ball tournament. Call Mrs. Haines at 445-0508 for more information.
  • On December 17th the Principal Advisory Council will meet at 5:30 here in the main office conference room. Feel free to join us! Call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541 to give her an email address so you can receive an agenda.
  • The Bus Buddies Holiday meeting is on Dec. 19th at 2:20. Come join your student to celebrate his or her commitment to safety on our buses!
  • Dec. 19th is also the night of the holiday band concert at 7:oo PM in the auditorium.
  • Dec. 21st is the last day before holiday break, and the day of Rangerpalooza, a celebration of the musical talent in our school (more info to follow!)

Quote of the Week

Most people don't aim too high and miss, they aim too low and hit. -old adage

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