September Objectives
I can do mental math. I can compute numbers in my head without a calculator.
I can read and follow directions.
- Are you ready to party? Come to the Homecoming dance from 9 to 12 on
Friday, Oct. 3rd. The dance will be hosted by the Afro Club and is for 9th
through 12th graders. $3 per person or $5 per couple. Come and get down
with all of your fellow Rangers. Let’s show some Ranger pride. - College representatives are beginning their visits here, speaking with interested students. Please note the following dates and sign up in guidance to see these reps:
Western Michigan University - Sep. 30 University of Michigan - Sep. 30
Central Michigan University - October 6
Michigan Technical University - October 23 - FFA dues of $13 need to be turned into Mrs. George before the Oct. 9th
bowling party and chapter meeting. - Anyone interested in taking an ACT prep class after school please see Miss
Angus. - It’s coming again!!! 7/8th grade football tournament on Oct. 3rd, 4:30 to
6:30 p.m. Pick up for copy of the rules in the office. - Any senior or junior FFA member planning to attend the national convention
must turn in their money and permission slip to Mrs. George by Monday, Sept.
29th. - Mr. Habra will be out of the building Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 29 and 30th.
- Seniors: we will be selling and ordering Class of 2009 sweatshirts,
T-shirts and hoodies the week after homecoming. See one of your class
officers to sign the signature sheet. If you do not sign, your name will
not be on the shirt. - Seniors interested in applying for the Wendy’s Heisman Athletic Scholarship,
please see the counseling office. Deadline for this scholarship is Oct. 1st - Everyday they will be allowed to participate in the spirit days at school.
Monday - pajama day
Tuesday - class color day Wednesday - music genre day Thursday - sports team day
Friday - blue and white day - Homecoming is October 3rd!
- The Jr. High is collecting candy for the "Haunted Halls". Please bring in a
bag of candy to the office. - There is a board meeting on the 13th at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
- Starting Monday, Homecoming shirts will be for sale from Mr. Hubbard for
$10. - Powder Puff game is at 6:30 this Sunday – players, please be there by 6:15.
- PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendence at . A letter should arrive by Wednesday, September 24th with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week:
The word education means "to draw out of." It does not mean "shovel into." A good education teaches you to think for yourself. It teaches you to ask good questions and then how to find the answers on your own. -Siebert and Gilpin