What a great week it has been! Responsible Thinking Process is in full gear and already it has had an effect. Student's are starting to see the value of maintaining the integrity of the classroom for teaching and learning and they want to stay in the classroom. Thank you to all the teachers and students for getting us off to such a great start!
September Objectives
I can do mental math. I can compute numbers in my head without a calculator.
I can read and follow directions.
- Fall sports pictures will be taken on Tuesday, Sept. 16th. Your coaches have the fliers and the schedule
- High schools students, if you are interested in being a “Bus Buddy”, pick up an application in the front office this week
- Any students interested in helping with the “Ranger CafĂ©” during lunch, see Mrs. Bright.
- Any 7/8th grader interested in joining Student Council, see Ms. Aven for an application by September 12th
- Parking permits are available from Officer Bryant. The cost is $5 for the first vehicle and $3 for each additional one
- Student Senate will meet in the Auditorium on September 18th during enrichment
- Thespian Society will have its induction on September 18th in the auditorium at 6:30 PM
- September 22nd is School Picture Day!
Quote of the Week:
Yes you can! -Author Unknown
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