Enjoy the show!
October Objectives
I can use integers, positive and negative whole numbers, in a variety of situations.
I can write and identify the beginning, middle and end in a piece of writing.
- There will be a SADD meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 7th at 7:20 on 2:55 with Mrs.
May and Mrs. Wellman. If you would like to join the club, come to one of
these two meetings. - College representatives are beginning their visits here, speaking with interested students. Please note the following dates and sign up in guidance to see these reps:
Central Michigan University - October 6
Michigan Technical University - October 23 - FFA dues of $13 need to be turned into Mrs. George before the Oct. 9th
bowling party and chapter meeting. - Anyone interested in taking an ACT prep class after school please see Miss
Angus. - Remember middle school yearbook compilers, there is an after school meeting
Monday, Oct. 6th right after school in Mrs. May’s room. - Mr. Habra will be out of the building on Wednesday, Oct. 8th to attend Leadership Training.
- Mr. Francisco will be out of the building on Monday, October 6th for personal reasons.
- Seniors: we will be selling and ordering Class of 2009 sweatshirts,
T-shirts and hoodies the week after homecoming. See one of your class
officers to sign the signature sheet. If you do not sign, your name will
not be on the shirt. - The Jr. High is collecting candy for the "Haunted Halls". Please bring in a
bag of candy to the office. - On October 7th, from 8:30 to 11:30, the art, drama, band and choir teachers from all the Lakeland Conference schools will be meeting in the library to plan the Fine Arts Festival. Thank you for understanding our need to close the library that morning.
- "Hot Chocolate with the Principal" will take place for students on October 17th in the library from 8-10 AM. Please sign up with Mrs. Anderson if you have an issue, comment, concern, or just want to talk about something and she will sign you up.
- There is a board meeting on the 13th at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
- Mr. Habra will be out of the building on the morning of the 16th for the Berrian County Principal's meeting.
- PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendence at http://www.cassopolis-schools.org/pinnacle/PIV . A letter should arrive by Wednesday, September 24th with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week:
Education is the opportunity through studying a variety of subjects, to gain the information and the dexterity to use your wits and your expression. Education prepares you to be someone more than to do something. Education is what prepares you to hear when you listen, to reach deeper when you think, to say more when you speak. -Burtchell
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