On Wednesday, February 18th we had a Pre-Festival concert. The choir, and both Jr. High and High School bands performed and it was a great success. Lots of very happy parents and other members of the community. Kudos to Ms. Goodearl and all the students for a job well done!
It is also homecoming week. The big assembly, Parent Night, and basketball game vs. River Valley is happening tonight and I will get movies and pictures up from that next week. The days leading up to homecoming always include theme days like Twin Day and Opposite-Sex Day. Even the staff gets into the act! I hope you enjoy the pictures and make it to the game.
Another important event occurred this past Thursday in Homer, MI at the FFA Regionals. We scored as follows: (and is quoted from Mr. Weatherspoon, our superintendent)
Ag Issues – first place gold
Greenhand Conduct of Meetings – first place gold
Junior High Conduct of Meetings / gold – first place gold
Junior High Conduct of Meetings / blue – second place gold
Prepared Public Speaking – second place gold
Greenhand Public Speaking – fourth place gold
All of our students except the one receiving fourth place gold will be going to state in March which is an incredible accomplishment. This type of performance definitely allows the students to realize that another national title is within their reach.
Greenhand Conduct of Meetings – first place gold
Junior High Conduct of Meetings / gold – first place gold
Junior High Conduct of Meetings / blue – second place gold
Prepared Public Speaking – second place gold
Greenhand Public Speaking – fourth place gold
All of our students except the one receiving fourth place gold will be going to state in March which is an incredible accomplishment. This type of performance definitely allows the students to realize that another national title is within their reach.
I can take a stand in my writing and support it with facts and details.
I can understand probability (the likelihood an event will occur).
- There will be a meeting for the Sophomore Class officers and representative in Ms. Murray's room during lunch on Tuesday, February 24th.
- If you are a senior living in Wayne Township, stop into guidance and pick up a copy of the Wayne Township SMC scholarship.
- Application for Athletic Booster Scholarship will be available on Feb. 23 and will be due 4-30.
- Cast of Charlie Brown: there is a revised schedule in the Library, pick one up after lunch.
- Seniors: Your community service hours are posted on the guidance window and across from the guidance office. Please check to see how many hours you still need to meet the graduation requirement. And remember, there are opportunities for service posted in guidance.
- High school track sign up is in the office.
- Girls’ Tennis sign up is in the office.
- High School softball sign up is in the office. This is for girls in grades 9 through 12.
- SENIORS! If you would like your picture in the school composite, these are due to Mrs. Anderson by Feb. 25th. Any questions? See Mrs. Anderson.
- Afro club play practice after school everyday this week and next week. If you want to purchase tickets for the play which will be Feb. 28th at 5PM and March 1 at 3PM , see Arielle Christie or any Afro-American Society member.
- SENIORS! On Feb. 24th at 5:00 PM there will be a financial aide workshop where you can learn how to fill out the application you need to get FREE MONEY from colleges and universities. Make arrangements to attend!
- Final Exams are Feb. 24th and 25th.
- There is no school for students on Feb 26th and 27th!
- There is a board meeting on February 23rd at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
- Mr. Habra will be out of the building on Feb. 17th for School Improvement with Dr. Pat Davenport and the morning of the 19th to train Squires staff on the use of the DDA.
- Science Olympiad is on March 5th. More details coming!
- PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at http://www.cassopolis-schools.org/pinnacle/PIV . A letter should have arrived with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week:
Children need models rather than critics.
-Joseph Joubert
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