Friday, January 22, 2010

Mrs. Hari and Mr. Shultz

Check Spelling

We have two wonderful teachers in the spotlight this week. Mrs. Brooke Hari is our Business and Computer teacher. She is the elective department head and one of the primary leads for our Plan/Do/Check/Act model that includes our Enrichment/Tutorials. She also spearheaded our Microsoft Office software certification program (IC3). One of the best things about how Mrs. Hari teaches is the combination of whole group and individual instruction that she uses. She is a fantastic teacher and every student who has been in her class (and that is almost all of them) is very lucky to have had her.
Mr. Richard Shultz has taught many different classes while here at Cassopolis. Currently he teaches Geometry for high school credit to every one of our 8th graders. He also can be heard at most home basketball and football games over the loudspeakers telling us the scores and who is doing what. In the classroom Mr. Shultz is consistently looking for ways to help students learn better. He has sought and implemented many innovations including his own enrichment/tutorial process to ensure that all students are able to learn every objective that is being taught. His classroom is always a beehive of activity as students question, discuss and internalize many challenging mathematical concepts. He is a tremendous asset to our building and students, and we are very happy he calls this district home.

Math Focus

I can construct, read and interpret a variety of charts and graphs.

English Focus

I can take a stand in my writing and support it with facts and details.

  • If you would like to purchase a box of Krispy Kreme donuts for $5.00 you may order them through a cheerleader or see Mrs. Francisco or Mrs. Anderson. You must pay for them at the time of your order and the donuts will be delivered Tuesday January 26th at the end of the school day. Thank you for your support.

  • The JAG class is conducting a relief drive to help out with the victims devastated by the Earthquake in Haiti last week. They are collecting clothing (new and gently used), non-perishable food items, hygiene products, medical supplies, and money. There are boxes in the office for items that you wish to donate. The drive is from January 21st until February 4th. You can make a difference! Thank you for your support.

  • Mark your calendars & agendas…..Cassopolis Little League Baseball/Softball Sign-Up dates are coming up. Reduced rate sign-up for $25.00 will take place from January 22nd-February 19th. For more information for dates and times come to the office.

  • Shipoppi. Shipoopi? What's a shipoopi? You can find out by auditioning for this year's spring musical, The Music Man. The Music Man is fun, full of great songs, and requires a big, happy cast. If you’re interested, see Ms. Porath or Mrs. Westrate for information.

  • SENIORS: Be sure to check for new scholarships in the guidance office! On February 12 SMC is offering an Info-Tech Day with workshops in game design, animation and web design. Sign up in the guidance office right away.

  • Students remember that parent teacher conferences are next week, Wednesday and Thursday January 27th and 28th from 2:00 until 5:00 and 6:00 until 8:00. Please remind your parents.

  • Visual art students attending the Fine Arts Festival need to bring $3 for lunch to Mrs. Johnson as soon as possible. It will be due next Tuesday.

  • The Niles/Buchanan Optimists need Soccer Referees for their spring soccer league. Anyone 15 years or older interested in a job as a referee please contact the Optimist Soccer League by calling: Mark Tumbleson. Come to the office for more details.

  • Seniors we want to add a page in the yearbook featuring your baby pictures, please submit them by the first week of February. Also, any soccer members who want a copy of the soccer team picture or if your parents do, contact Ms. Aven.

  • The Principal Advisory Council meets every 4th Monday in the High School Conference room at 6:00 PM. The next meeting is January 25th.
  • The next Board meeting is Janurary 25th in the High School Library at 7:00 PM.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . If you need your login information you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.

Teacher Section

  • Breakfast duty the week of January 25: 7:20 – 7:35 Lang and Mooney; 7:35 – 7:45 Jekel and Mourning
  • REMINDER: Update your emergency plans.
  • There is a sign up sheet in the lounge for pot-luck next Wednesday.

Quote of the Week :

Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.

-John Wooden

Friday, January 15, 2010

Honor Roll Breakfast

223 of our 500 students made the honor roll this trimester. We are so proud of our students academic achievements! Join us in celebrating this fantastic accomplishment!

Math Focus

I can construct, read and interpret a variety of charts and graphs.

English Focus

I can take a stand in my writing and support it with facts and details.

  • Student section WHITE OUT t-shirts are on sale for $10.00. See Mr. Hubbard for details.
  • Middle school yearbooks are on sale for $13. If you are interested in purchasing one bring your money to Mrs. Anderson. Last date to purchase has been extended to Jan 29th in an effort to get enough orders to publish them.
  • Mark your calendars & agendas…..Cassopolis Little League Baseball/Softball Sign-Up dates are coming up. Reduced rate sign-up for $25.00 will take place from January 22nd-February 19th. For more information for dates and times come to the office.

  • Shipoppi. Shipoopi? What's a shipoopi? You can find out by auditioning for this year's spring musical, The Music Man. The Music Man is fun, full of great songs, and requires a big, happy cast. If you’re interested, see Ms. Porath or Mrs. Westrate for information.

  • SENIORS: Be sure to check for new scholarships in the guidance office!

  • The first ten people to get fifteen items sold for the yearbook fundraiser and turned into Ms. Aven will get a free name stamp.

  • A new tutoring program is starting here on January 19, from 3:00 until 6:30. All we need is tutors!!! Students needing community service or students just wanting to help, please sign up in the guidance office.

  • Community Dental Clinics are hosting a FREE Dental Health Day to individuals 5 and older. Registration is from 8:30 until noon. Screenings and evaluations will be held from 9:00 until 2:00 pm. This event will take place at the Van Buren/Cass District Health Department facility in Hartford at 57418 CR 681 (just south of Red Arrow Hwy) and at the Dowagiac facility at 520 Main Street, Suite B (upstairs).

  • ETS Meetings Wednesday January 20th: 10th grade 2nd hour in the career lab, 9th grade 3rd hour in the career lab, 8th grade 4th in the auditorium and 7th grade 5th hour in the auditorium.

  • There is no school on Jan. 18th to celebrate Martin Luther King's Birthday!

  • Hot Chocolate with the Principal is on Jan. 20th. Sign up with Mrs. Anderson.

  • The Principal Advisory Council meets every 4th Monday in the High School Conference room at 6:00 PM. The next meeting is January 25th.
  • The next Board meeting is Janurary 11th in the High School Library at 7:00 PM.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . If you need your login information you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.

Teacher Section

Quote of the Week :

If you want truly to understand something, try to change it.

-Kurt Lewin