Friday, April 16, 2010

Honor Roll Breakfast, Fine Arts Festival, TEAM Lessons, and MASBO Solo Ensemble

WOW! It has been a busy couple of weeks. On Wednesday, March 31st we held our second trimester Honor Roll Breakfast. It is always a wonderful affair with some amazing desserts provided by Mrs. Bright and her hardworking staff. The numbers were high and we had the Executive Director of Cass Family Clincs, Miss Mary Middleton come to speak to the students on the connection between education and the world of work and the opertunities in the health industry. It went very smoothly and I was very proud of our students both for thier acadmic accomplishments and because of their excellent behavior during the ceremony. Way to go!

The next big event was the Lakeland Conference Fine Arts Festival. It was held at Coloma High School and was a full day and night of activities. It highlights the top students from the seven conference schools in the visual and performing arts. During the day the students attended clinics, saw a keynote speaker, set up the art show and practiced for the evening performance.

The evening performance went very well. The band, who was directed by the Notre Dame band director Dr. Kenneth Dye, did a phenomenal job playing five different pieces all of which were learned that day. The choir sang four pieces, again all learned in practice that day. The drama production topics were given to the students that day and in an hour and 15 minutes they wrote the script, created sets and set up (blocked) the entire performance. The art show itself had multiple mediums, including drawing, painting, ceramic, 3-D and more. This was an amazing day and a tremendous amount of work for the host school and all our teachers as well. The coaches from Cassopolis included Ms. Jean Porath for Drama, Ms. Beth Goodearl for Band, Ms. Julie Ghareeb for Choir and Mrs. Shelly Johnson for the visual arts. My thanks for their hard work and the fantastic experience they helped provide for our students!

We have also started bringing in the State Troopers to present Teaching, Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Lessons. Trooper Hector Llerena was in Mr. Shultz's room today and will be back five more times this year. We want to thank both Mr. Weatherspoon and Mr. Carlisle for their assitance in making this wonderful oppertunity possible. The students I spoke to said they enjoyed Trooper Llerena's visit and style so we look forward to having him come as often as we can make that happen.

Finally, I want to congratulate Miss Anna Bosler who recieved a rating of one in the Solo Ensemble Competition for the Michigan Association of School Bands and Orchestras (MASBO). She recieved it for her outstanding piano playing, but she also plays trumpet in our band. She is just one example of what makes Cassopolis such a great place to raise and educate students!

Math Focus

I can compare fractions, compute fractions and use fractions to describe everyday situations.

English Focus

I can connect my prior knowledge to what I am reading.


  • If you are interested in signing up for Driver’s Ed there is a sign up sheet in the office on Mrs. Anderson’s desk. The first 20 students that sign up with their vision test completed can attend.

  • If you want to have hot chocolate with the Principal next Wednesday April 21, 2010, see Mrs. Anderson to sign up.

  • The yearbook fundraiser is going from April 12th thru April 23rd. For every item you sell you get $3.00 off of your yearbook price and if you sell 15 items you get a free yearbook. Fundraisers are due 4/23. If you have questions see Ms. Aven.
  • On Friday, April 23, Holy Cross College is offering Spring Preview Day for interested students and their parents. If you are interested, pick up an information sheet in the guidance office.
  • The Principal Advisory Council meets every 4th Monday in the High School Conference room at 6:00 PM. The next meeting is April 26th.

  • Saturday April 24th you can earn community service hours while having fun! A box lunch will be provided and at the end of the day there will be a pizza party. If you’re interested see Mrs. Francisco or Mrs. Anderson for more details.

  • 8th grade boys interested in playing in basketball next year please sign up in the office (this is for next years Freshmen). Open gym is going on Mon- Thurs frm 5 to 7 here at the high school.

  • ETS Meetings Wednesday April 28th in the Library: Seniors 3rd hour; 7th grade 4th hour; 8th grade 5th hour

  • Seniors: If your name is not on the guidance window, please tell Mrs. Beebe where you have been accepted to college. Thank you.

  • There will be a brief senior class meeting Monday April 19 during Channel One.

  • Next Tuesday, April 20, Bethel College is hosting a College Fair from 9 to 10:30 AM. Over 60 colleges and universities will be represented. You can check out the list on the guidance window. If enough juniors sign up we will take a bus. Sign up in guidance as soon as possible.

  • April 1st is a half day for students and April 2nd we are closed for spring break.

  • The next Board meeting is April 19th in the High School Library at 7:00 PM.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . If you need your login information you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.

Teacher Section

  • Breakfast duty the week of April 19: 7:20 – 7:35 Widerquist-Bosler and Mooney; 7:35 – 7:45 Wernette and Westrate

Quote of theBulleted List Week :

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.

-Will Rogers

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