When I was watching the Country Music Awards an advertisement came on about a promotion called "Letters for Lyrics." A complimentary CD would be given to anyone that wrote a letter to our soldiers. They hope to get 1 million letters. I had 22 students that voluntarily wrote the troops. I had to deliver the letters to a Dodge Ram dealer to get the CD's.
The class also wrote a letters to Gale Sayers, former star of the Chicago Bears. He recently replied, and each student will get a copy of his letter. He
encourages the kids to never give up, stay determined and think positively.
I can recognize patterns and trends and use them to predict an outcome.
English Focus
If there are any sophomores interested in being a board representative please see Mr. Habra for details. Please note this is a big commitment but a very valuable and rewarding experience.
- There will be picture retakes on Monday May 17, 2010 at 3:00 for the soccer team and for any individuals that did not get to take their sports pictures previously.
ETS Students: If you are interested in attending summer camp, please sign up in the Guidance Office. Topics include: CSI, School of Rock and Art and Design.
If there are any students interested in helping at Monday’s track meet please see Mrs. Francisco as soon as possible.
Those students that signed up for driver’s ed you need to get your money to Mrs. Anderson as soon as possible to ensure your spot. The spots will be reserved on a first pay basis.
Students there are some new corn detasseling forms in the Guidance office. This is a different company than the first detasseling forms.
- Any ETS student who still has a copy of the "Picture Bride" please turn it in to the Guidance Office as soon as possible.
- Mr. Habra will be out of the building on May 19th for professional development.
- May 20th is practice for the graduation ceremony with the seniors at 12:30.
- May 23rd is the graduation ceremony at 2:00 PM in the gym.
- May 26th is the National Honor Society field trip to Shipshewana
- May 28th we will be on long assembly schedule to celebrate the underclassmen academic awards.
- May 27th and 28th will be the 7th and 8th grade field trips to Lawless Park, respectively.
- May 31st there is no school in honor of Memorial Day.
- PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at http://www.cassopolis-schools.org/pinnacle/PIV . If you need your login information you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541
- The next Board meeting is May 24th in the High School Library at 7:00 PM.
Teacher Section
Breakfast duty the week of May 17, 2010: 7:20 – 7:35 George and Wellman 7:35 – 7:45 Mourning and Lang
Please note that MEAP test talks need to be done by May 19, 2010.
If you lost a pink girls hall pass with a flower in the left corner it is in the office.
Quote of the Week
A leader looks for opportunities to find someone doing something right.
-Author Unknown
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