On Thursday evening, Mr. Guse and the coaches honored the athletes from all the winter and spring sports. It was a wonderful event and focused on the achievements of teams and individuals. A few scholarships were awarded as well and the students received the accolades they deserved.
Also on Thursday, the incoming 6th graders visited. They got to eat lunch at the high school, recieved a tour, were spoken to about academics, athletics, rules, and were able to ask questions. After that we held our annual Hello/Goodbye dance for grades 6-8. It was fun for everyone and special thanks to Mrs. Hargrove, Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Voss for helping to make that happen!
- A Young Republicans group is getting started in Cass County and you're invited to join! Learn about local, state, and national government in action, meet elected officials from State and National offices, and build your own leadership skills and knowledge while meeting new friends from around the County! Call Aaron at 517.588.1913 or e-mail him at ahorner@swmich.edu to get involved.
- June 7th is 8th grade graduation starting about 12:15 PM.
- Any college English student who didn’t get a packet see Miss Borsa.
- There will be a football meeting Monday June 7th @ 11:45 a.m. in the auditorium for all 8 –11th graders interested in playing football next year.
- If anyone is still interested in Driver’s Ed, you may still sign up but you must have your money in by the time classes begin on Monday June 7th.
- Attention golfers, please return booklets to Mr. Wernette by Monday June 7th at the latest.
- If anyone is still interested in getting a junior high yearbook see Mrs. Anderson as soon as possible.
- Berrien Springs Track will sponsor a Hershey Track and Field meet on Friday June 18th at 10:00 am. To be eligible to compete you must be a Michigan resident between the ages of 9 to14 years old. You may pick up a form and additional information from Mrs. Anderson.
- If you need community service hours or you would just like to keep busy this summer, there is an opportunity to provide childcare once a week at Domestic Services in Dowagiac. See guidance for details.
- June 8th is the first day of finals. The schedule will be backwards, so it will be 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd and then 1st hour. 5th, 4th and 3rd are the finals and 2nd and 1st are review for the next day. June 9th will be finals for 2nd and then 1st hour.
- June 9th is the last day of school for the students. It is a half day, ending at 10:50.
- PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at http://www.cassopolis-schools.org/pinnacle/PIV . If you need your login information you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541
- The next Board meeting is June 2nd at the High School Library at 6:00 PM.
- On the week of June 14th and June 21st, the building will be open from 7:00 to 5:00 from Monday-Thursday. After that, there will be no one in the building except the Principal's.
Teacher Section
Breakfast duty the week of June 7, 2010: 7:20 – 7:35 Hood and Aven; 7:35 – 7:45 Westrate and Wernette
Quote of the Week
A hole in the boat is a hole in the whole boat.
-Author Unknown
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