The rooms are getting ready, the schedules being set, and the last of the polish has been put on the floors. This Tuesday, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM is Open House. Students can get their schedules, locker assignments, and meet their teachers. Then on Wednesday, at 7:35, the students start. We are all very busy, but I truly believe that this will be the best year CHS has ever had!
However, there are a couple things everyone should know:

First, ISR and after-school detention have both been relocated to Sam Adams. For bus riders, this means they get off the bus at Sam's and enter in the far left (or South) door (it will be marked). They will be picked up from Sam's by their regular bus and ride home. If the student drives, they must arrive by 7:40 AM and park on the East side of the school in the farthest East part of the lot (right next to Depot street) so the buses can get in and out. One last thing, if a student spends a day in ISR he/she may not practice or participate in any events until the next day, just as if he/she was suspended.
Second, we are starting a new program this year called Bus Buddies. This program will match high school students with lower elementary students to help them with homework, play games with them, and act as mentors. Any high school student who applies for the program will get community service hours plus some other nice incentives. Mrs. Swartz (our transprotation director) came up with this idea and I am pleased she is letting me help her with it. The program will roll out in October or November, so keep your ears open if you are interested.
However, there are a couple things everyone should know:
First, ISR and after-school detention have both been relocated to Sam Adams. For bus riders, this means they get off the bus at Sam's and enter in the far left (or South) door (it will be marked). They will be picked up from Sam's by their regular bus and ride home. If the student drives, they must arrive by 7:40 AM and park on the East side of the school in the farthest East part of the lot (right next to Depot street) so the buses can get in and out. One last thing, if a student spends a day in ISR he/she may not practice or participate in any events until the next day, just as if he/she was suspended.
Second, we are starting a new program this year called Bus Buddies. This program will match high school students with lower elementary students to help them with homework, play games with them, and act as mentors. Any high school student who applies for the program will get community service hours plus some other nice incentives. Mrs. Swartz (our transprotation director) came up with this idea and I am pleased she is letting me help her with it. The program will roll out in October or November, so keep your ears open if you are interested.
Finally, it's important that everyone be aware that we no longer have any office aides. For this reason we can no longer run notes down to classrooms during the school day. Teachers will recieve information twice a day, once before lunch and once right before the end of the day. Any other times would disturb an entire class as we must use intercoms and so we will be extremely careful. Thank you for helping us keep the classroom environment focused on learning.

Teacher Feature!
This week's teacher feature is on Meredith Hawkins. Ms. Hawkins started here last year, and teaches science. She has done some great things since she has been here, from creating and filling an Advanced Biology class, to starting a Physics class and even cleaning out 30 years of detritus from the back of the science common area. In addition, she has a website that can be found at http://www.msu.edu/~hawkin79/ and has all the homework assignments and class schedules for all of her classes! It is very cool and takes a lot of hard work. We are very lucky to have such a dedicated and motivated teacher here!
- The kick-off breakfast is at 7:45 AM in the high school cafateria, with the meetings starting at 8:30 AM
- Open House for the high school will be from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM on Sept. 4. A good time to chat with teachers, see friends, get schedules, check lockers, etc.
- Classes start at 7:35 on Sept. 5th
- On September 5th, we will be having opening day meetings with each class. Students will pick their Enrichment class preferences, as well as hear from Mrs. Bright, Mr. Bryant, Mr. Francisco, and myself. The schedule is as follows: 7:40 12th grade, 8:30 11th grade, 9:15 7th grade, 10:30 10th grade, 1:00 8th grade, 1:45 9th grade
- During these assemblies, teachers need to observe the following:
- Wait for intercom announcement to bring/send students down
- If you have four or less students in your class, please bring them to auditorium and attend with them, sitting in the center section with the majority of your class
- Please intersperse yourselves within the rows, some on the ends and some in the middle
- If you have time and are on your plan, you are invited to attend to hear the changes, but it is not required
- Please seat the students in the center section filling from the front to the back
- If the center is filled, please help direct the students to the front rows of the other two sections, filling them before moving to the second row
- Please help police excessive noise or disturbance as the assembly progresses
- Band Boosters are meeting on September 10th at the high school. If you would like more information, you can email Karah Hiscott, the band director, at knjhiscott@yahoo.com
- There is an Instructional Council meeting at 3:45PM in Red Brick on Sept. 10th
- We are holding the second annual Ranger Roll-Out Fun Fair on Sept. 14th, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM before the first Varsity Football game, but more on that later.
- We are reinstating the Principal Advisory Committee, which will meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 5:30 PM. If you are interested in being a part of that, please contact Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541 or email her at manders1@remc11.k12.mi.us.
- The new students coming from the ISD will be picked up and dropped off every day in the back of the high school near the Agricultural Garage and using the double doors to enter and leave. Thank you for keeping those doors clear so our students can get in and out easily.
Quote of the Week: "Change is inevitable, growth is optional." -Author Unknown
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