- Senior class was offered over $750,000 in college scholarships
- 7th and 8th grade spelling bee teams were county champions
- Drama performed Sound of Music in the spring with a tremendous turn out
- At the MSBOA Concert Festival, Jr. High and High School Band received straight 2 ratings
- Band attended an invitation to perform at the State Capital
- Sixteen student were inducted into the National Honor Society
- Two students were featured in the South Bend Tribune as Student of the Week
- Two high school seniors were awarded Lakeland Conference All Academic Team and several students received honorable mentions
- Students competed in an Young Entrepreneurs Business Plan sponsored by the Edward Lowe Foundation
- High School Math Competition was held at SMC and our Math team placed 8th out of 30 teams
- Three students received Internet and Computer Core Curriculum Certification (IC3)
- Turf Grass Management Program received a $35,000 grant from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth
- Art, Music and the Drama Department attended and performed in the Fine Arts Festival
- FFA Greenhand Conduct of Meeting won State
- FFA Junior High Conduct of Meeting won State
- FFA Parliamentary Procedure was State Runner Up
- FFA Student, Cally Hass is FFA State Vice-President
- Michigan High School Softball Coaches Association recognized the Cassopolis Varsity Softball Team for selection as an Academic All-State team.
- Girls' softball captured the first MHSAA district championship for softball in school history and advanced to the regional championship
- Varsity track advanced 12 individuals to the state finals
- Varsity Wrestling advanced 3 students to the individual state finals
- Girls Basketball this season won a regional championship at Watervilet, finishing the season in quarterfinals with a 20-5 record
- Girls Basketball were district champions for the third consecutive season
- Girls Basketball were co-champions in the Lakeland Conference
- Varsity Football team were Lakeland Conference Champions and undefeated in regular session with a record of 10-1
Just to name a few.
We have so much to be proud of, I think I'll dance!
And now, for what will become a regular feature, it's time for the calender and information items:
- I have been back since July 23rd, and will be here Monday-Thursday through the 17th. After that it will be Monday through Friday.
- Ms. Anderson starts back August 6th (same days)
- Ms. Stump is back August 13th (same days)
- Ms. Beebe is back August 14th
- The in-service days for teachers are the 21st, 23, and 24 (Ms. Hargrove, Ms. Hari and I are meeting on the 9th to work on the in-service, so we should be ready to go!)
- Jennifer Angus (the new counselor) will be back on the 21st as well, but she will be Monday through Friday after that.
- We are tentatively holding the second annual Ranger Roll-Out Fun Fair on Sept. 14th, before the first Varsity Football game, but more on that later.
- There will be a parent night on Tuesday, August 28th at 6:00 PM as a welcome to incoming 7th grade and as an explanation of the new state requirements for everyone. Please join us!
- Rich Shultz, after attending a fantastic week long training this summer in Colorado with Spence Rogers, has agreed to start implementing those ideas in our 8th grade math class this year. He will be taking Casey's position, who has resigned, and we are hiring a math/science teacher for the high school.
- We have a signed letter of agreement for a new art teacher, Ms. Shelly Johnson (John has moved back to the elementary position). She is going to be a great addition and we are very excited she has agreed to join our community!
Well, that's it for this week.
Thanks for reading!
Quote of the week: "When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either." -Leo Burnett
Next Week: High School Redesign
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