Thursday, November 8, 2007

Etiquette Day, EMU College Fair and Poultry Day

November 7th was a very busy day. Several students were at the Poultry Day for FFA. Our FFA advisor, Mrs. George took the students to an affair that I was assured had nothing to do with chicken races or eating to excess.
It was also the day that the Cass County Council on Aging held their annual Etiquette Day. On this day, all the area high schools are invited to hear speakers and participate in activities on subjects like the importance of life-long learning and which fork goes with which course during a formal meal. They also share a meal with some of our most experienced residents and a lot of learning happens. It is a very valuable day for those students that attend.
Finally, a group of juniors and seniors went to Eastern Michigan University to a large college fair with a special focus on traditionally black universities. The students were accompanied by parents, Mr. Francisco, and led by Ms. Haines. I know the students were excited to be going, and I have posted some pictures of what happened there. There is a lot of money for college to be had at these affairs, and connecting our students with these opportunities is a priority for this district and for me. It was a long bus trip and did not get back until 11:00PM, but it was well worth the time. Thanks to all our chaperones for your commitment, both the students and I appreciate your effort.
November Objectives
Everyday use of fractions to build confidence when using them.
Recognizing and writing main ideas and using supporting details.
  • We have Parent-Teacher conferences on Nov. 8th from 2:30-5:00 PM and from 6:00-8:30 PM, and on Nov. 9th from 9:00-11:30 AM and from 12:30-3:00PM
  • The School Improvement Team meeting at 2:50 PM in the library on November 12th HAS BEEN CANCELLED. The next one will be announced.
  • Northern Michigan University will be here at 10:00AM on the 12th.
  • November 15th there will be "Coffee with the Principal" for the students. Students can sign up with Mrs. Anderson in the office.
  • The fall play, "It's a Wonderful Life" runs November 16th, 17th, and 18th. Times and details can be found by calling 445-0540
  • The Principal Advisory Council meets on Monday the 19th at 5:30 PM in the high school conference room. If you are not part of the council and wish to attend, please call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541 and let her know. All parents are invited.
  • The Fall Sports Banquet is on November 20th at 7:00 PM in the auditorium of the high school.
  • Final Exams for the Trimester are on the 20th and 21st, and the 21st is a half-day for students.
  • Thanksgiving break is the 22nd-25th
  • The new Trimester begins on the 26th!

Quote of the Week

Always be in a state of becoming. - Walt Disney

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am the greatest kyle carpenter