This time of year so much is happening it's very hard to keep track of it all. We had the spring musical, A Year with Frog and Toad, and it went very well. The Career and Technical Education awards saw six students honored and three given scholarships. We also had five students bring business plans at the Ed Lowe Foundation's Young Entrepreneurship Day. Two of our five students won four of the county-wide awards. In addition, two of our students are members of the Blossom Time Court and were on hand for an assembly at Squires Elementary. Wow! Also, let me take a second to welcome Mrs. Dee Voss to the administrative team of Cassopolis Public schools as the principal of Sam Adams Elementary! It's nice to have you aboard!
May Objectives
I can measure in a variety of unit types such as: distance, capacity, weight, volume, area and time.
I can look at two pieces of writing and compare and contrast.
- Seniors, You have 4 weeks to complete your community service. All hours must be turned in by May 16. Any questions, come to guidance.
- Seniors: Project Graduation tickets will be on sale starting today for $10.00, see Mrs. Anderson.
- Driver’s Education Segment I starts June 2nd. Sign up sheet is in the office. The first 40 people to sign up and to pay will be accepted. The cost is $350.00 plus $20 for books. You must be 14 years and 8 months by June 2, 2008.
- Congratulations to the varsity softball team on the championship trophy they brought home from the Delton-Kellogg Softball Invitational. Way to go girls!!!
- Sign up for walking in the Relay for Life on Ag Room door.
- PIE A TEACHER IN THE FACE for $1.00 Buy tickets at lunchtime. Money goes to Relay for Life.
- Anyone interested in a summer Forensic Science camp @ CMU, see Miss Hawkins.
- CEA scholarship applications are due at the end of the day tomorrow, Tuesday, May 6. Again that’s tomorrow.
- Recruiters from the US Army will be here on tomorrow, May 6. Sign up in guidance.
- Don't miss the Spaghetti Supper and Sophomores for Sale! Wednesday, May 7, 2008 from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased from members of the Sophomore Class, Ms. D, and are also available in the office.
- May 8th at 12:45 there will be a Mock Accident presentation in our parking lot. This is a powerful event and worth the two hours it takes to perform.
- Attention all students who drive to school: on Thursday, May 8th, you will need to park as far northeast in the parking lot as possible. That means as far away from the football field and as close to the school as possible. This will prevent damage to your vehicle. Parking in the wrong spot will result in your vehicle being towed at your own expense.
- ALL High School Athletes: Go to the auditorium on Thursday, May 8 during lunch, to vote for an athletic award for the seniors. If you cannot vote that day, stop in the office on Friday, May 9th to cast your vote.
- If you are going to the prom, you MUST be in school a total of three class hours on Friday, May 9th or you will not be allowed to attend the prom, unless you only have 1 or 2 classes on your schedule, then you MUST attend those.
- May 9th is prom from 8PM-12PM at the Football Hall of Fame in Southbend.
- May 12th is the NHS trip to Cedar Point
- Class ring delivery will be Tuesday, May 13th during high school lunchtime.
- May 14th at 7:30 PM is our final Band Concert of the year, come join us for an evening of music.
- May 14th is the last day of school for Seniors
- May 15th, at 6:30PM at the Elks Lodge in Dowagiac we will hold Senior Honors Night
- May 16th is the Hello/Goodbye Dance for ouincoming 6th graders and current 7th graders from 3-6 PM
- May 19th is the Underclassmen Awards Ceremony in the auditorium starting at 1:30 PM
- On May 19th there is also a meeting for all Junior Parents to discuss a date for NEXT YEAR'S graduation.
- On the 19th and 20th 6th grade will be visiting us for orientation to the building.
- May 23rd at 6:30 PM in the High School Gym is graduation
Quote of the Week: I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me. All I ask is that you respect me as a human being. -Jackie Robinson
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