Monday, May 12, 2008


You'll have to excuse the quality of some of these photographs (and especially the video) but I had some problems with the camera and I was trying to get the best shots I could. In any case it was a great night and the students had a lot of fun. Thanks to Ms. Borsa and Mrs. Baer for a fantastic night. The decorations were beautiful and it will always be a night to remember for everyone involved.
May Objectives

I can measure in a variety of unit types such as: distance, capacity, weight, volume, area and time.
I can look at two pieces of writing and compare and contrast.
  • Thank you to Miss Borsa, Mrs. Baer and the Prom committee for a great prom.
  • Middle school students, do you have a talent that you would like to show off? If so, see Mrs. May this week for details and to sign up.
  • Attention Middle school students, your yearbooks are in. See Mrs. May to pick up your copy. If you did not purchase one, we have a few available for $12.00 - they’ll go fast so get your today.
  • Juniors: if you are driving to school, you NEED a parking permit, see Officer Bryant.
  • Western Michigan University is offering a Summer Flight Academy to introduce students to the field of aviation through hands-on activities. The Academy is June 16 - 19. Applications are due Monday, May 19.
  • Seniors, You have 4 weeks to complete your community service. All hours must be turned in by May 16. Any questions, come to guidance.
  • Seniors: Project Graduation tickets will be on sale starting today for $10.00, see Mrs. Anderson.
  • Driver’s Education Segment I starts June 2nd. Sign up sheet is in the office. The first 40 people to sign up and to pay will be accepted. The cost is $350.00 plus $20 for books. You must be 14 years and 8 months by June 2, 2008.
  • Sign up for walking in the Relay for Life on Ag Room door.
  • PIE A TEACHER IN THE FACE for $1.00 Buy tickets at lunchtime. Money goes to Relay for Life.
  • Class ring delivery will be Tuesday, May 13th during high school lunchtime.
  • May 14th at 7:30 PM is our final Band Concert of the year, come join us for an evening of music.
  • May 14th is the last day of school for Seniors
  • Sports pictures will be taken Wednesday, May 14th for the teams who missed the first two times.
  • May 15th, at 6:30PM at the Elks Lodge in Dowagiac we will hold Senior Honors Night
  • May 16th is the Hello/Goodbye Dance for incoming 6th graders and current 7th and 8th graders from 3-6 PM
  • May 19th is the Underclassmen Awards Ceremony in the auditorium starting at 1:30 PM
  • On May 19th there is also a meeting for all Junior Parents to discuss a date for NEXT YEAR'S graduation.
  • On the 19th and 20th 6th grade will be visiting us for orientation to the building.
  • May 23rd at 6:30 PM in the High School Gym is graduation
  • May 26th there is No School for Students or Staff
  • May 28th is 8th Grade graduation at 1:30 PM in the Auditorium
  • May 28th at 6:30 PM is the Winter and Spring Athletic Awards Ceremony in the Auditorium
  • May 29th and 30th are Final Exam days, with the 30th being a half day for students.
  • May 29th is the 7th and 8th grade Ranger Relays out on the track.

Quote of the Week: R + R - R = R + R (Rules and Regulations minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion)

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