I can understand probability. (The likelihood that something will occur.)
I can read and follow directions.
- This Friday, September 25th, is homecoming.
- Students who walk to school should be careful to walk AGAINST traffic. This is very important, especially since it is dark in the mornings.
SPORTS PICTURES: Monday, September 28 Varsity Football 3:00 pm; JV football 3:15 pm; Soccer 3:25 pm; HS cheer (JV and varsity) 3:45 pm; JV volleyball 4:15 pm; varsity volleyball 4:25 pm. One set of photographers is adequate. All photos at the HS campus.
Tuesday, September 29 3:00 pm @ HS Individual photos for any players who missed photo session on 28th
Representatives from the military and colleges will be here on the following days-Sign up in the guidance office: Monday September 28-Holy Cross College @ 10:30; Wednesday September 30-Indiana Tech @ 8:00 a.m. and Albion College @ noon; Thursday October 1-Purdue North Central @ 10:30; Friday October 2-Grand Valley State @ 10:30
There is a board meeting on the 28th at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
Teacher Section
- Instructional Council meets at 3:45 PM on the 28th at Red Brick.
- When doing the attendance for Enrich/Reteach please mark who is “absent”. If you have extra students approved by a teacher to attend your class, please mark them down and if you give permission for someone to go to another class mark down that too.
- Please make sure that when you send students to the office to make copies that you give them your pin number to use. If you don’t remember your pin please see Shelly.
- Wednesday, the 30th of September is count day!
- Mr. Habra and Mr. Francisco will be out of the building on October 5th. Mr. Guse and Mrs. May will be the on-site administrators. Mr. Habra will also be out on October 6th. This is for the Michigan Association of Secondary School Principal's Conference.
- Mr. Habra will be out on the morning of September 30th for the Lakeland Conference Executive Board meeting.
- PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at http://www.cassopolis-schools.org/pinnacle/PIV . A letter should arrive sometime in the next two weeks with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week :
I am not young enough to know everything.
-Oscar Wilde
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