Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween 2009

Another Halloween has come and gone at Ross Beatty. It was fun, but the real excitement happened at the assemblies. Some new rules were gone over with the students. First, we informed the students that we would be tightening up our dress code policy. In the past students have been able to sag or wear revealing clothes all day by avoiding people who had said something the first time or claiming that other teachers didn't have a problem with it. To help avoid that, from now on we are going to keep a daily list of who has been warned about dress code violations in the front office. Anyone warned once in a day who chooses to violate the code again in the same day will be sent home. I know that some students may choose to test our resolve on this issue, but I do not lie to students, so they may find us calling home.
The second thing I did was give all the students my cell phone number so they could have access to me and could text me whenever they know something I should but don't want to come tell me or just have a question. I have already received many texts from many numbers and some good conversations have started.
Finally, we have decided as a staff to relax the cell phone policy for one month on a trial basis. For the next month we are going to allow the students to use their cell phones during lunch in the cafeteria and gym. If this doesn't flow into the classroom, we will see about extending the time period. It is up to the students to follow the new rules so together we can prove that the risk is worth taking.
That's it for now, I'll talk to you next month!

Math Focus

I can measure and compare a variety of unit types such as distance, volume, weight, area and time.

English Focus

I can write and identify the beginning, middle and end in a piece of writing.

  • We have had several students “hanging” out near the locker rooms with apparently no place to go. Players and students need to leave the building by 3:10, if they do not have practice immediately after school, or be waiting in the front foyer or down by the cafeteria exit. There is to be no loitering after school hours.

  • Representatives from the military and colleges will be here on the following days-Sign up in the guidance office:

Davenport College November 2 @ 2:00; Western Michigan University Hayworth School of Business Tuesday November 10 @ 10:30; Olivet College Wednesday November 11 @ 10:00; Northern Michigan University November 18 @ 8:00 a.m.

  • High school wrestling conditioning starts Monday, November 2nd from 3:00 until 4:00 p.m. Any junior high students interested in wrestling may also come out.
  • Any student interested in starring in the next Rules Video, see Quincy Poitras.
  • Pink "Dig for the Cure" t-shirts are now on sale for 10$- please see Miss Borsa.
  • All girls interested in Junior Varsity or Varsity basketball there is a sign up sheet in the office. You must have a physical before Nov. 9th.
  • Parent Teacher conferences are on November 4th and 5th from 2-5 PM and again from 6-8PM.
  • There is no school on November 6th.
  • The Principal Advisory Council meets every 4th Monday in the High School Conference room at 6:00 PM. The next meeting is November 23rd.
  • The next Board meeting is November 9th in the High School Library at 7:00 PM.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . If you need your login information you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.

Teacher Section

  • During parent teacher conference Mr. Habra and Mr. Francisco will be coming through to check Colin Writing Folders.
  • Instructional council meets on November 23rd at Red Brick at 3:45 PM.

Quote of the Week :

Nothing will work unless you do.

-Maya Angelou

Friday, October 23, 2009

Red Ribbon Week

A quick message from Mrs. Wellman, Mrs. May and SADD:

Red Ribbon Week is the last week in October 23rd-31st, and its mission is to
* create awareness concerning the problems related to the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs

* support the decision to live a healthy, drug-free lifestyle
We have scheduled a Guest Speaker for Tuesday the 27th to talk with all students about these issues, so come join us as we help students make the best choices for themselves and their future!

Thursday, October 22, 2009