Friday, April 25, 2008

Bring Your Child to Work Day 2008

Bring your child to work day was a huge success this past Thursday. Many of our teachers were able to bring his or her child (including me) and let them see what mommy and daddy does all day. In addition, it was very helpful for our students to see the staff as something more than the classroom leader. It was a valuable learning experience for everyone involved!

In other news, our Veterinary Science Agriculture Skills team were named state champs. Six of our students received honors for the outstanding work they did in their respective Career and Technical Education classes, and three of them also received scholarships from Southwestern Community College and Lake Michigan Community College.

On a sadder note, our band director of the past four years, Mrs. Karah Hiscott, has decided to seek a different program to lead. Out of dedication to the program she has built, she has allowed us to interview for her replacement immediately and, since effective band directors are a challenge to find, we have started that process. We have our first round of interviews scheduled for this coming Wednesday, April 30th, and our team includes 2 band students, a booster parent, a board member, 2 teachers and 2 members of administration. The team will then recommend the best candidate(s) to the Superintendent. We are sorry to see Mrs. Hiscott go, but appreciate her allowing us the opportunity to have someone in place early and wish her the best of luck in her next position!

April Objectives

I can analyze data and statistics to figure out the average (also known as mean), median and mode.

I can use literary devices to identify conflict.
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences are on April 25th at this building only.
  • The spring musical is on April 25th at 7:00 PM and on April 26th and 27th at 2:00PM. Come see Frog and Toad!
  • High School yearbooks will be for sale through May 1st for $45. If you do not buy one by May 1st you may not get one next year. The time has been extended for sales so don’t miss your chance.
  • Lakeland Clinic is seeking volunteers to assist with the processing of physicals on the afternoon of May 1.
  • 7th and 8th grade football has been moved to Saturday, May 3, 6 to 8 p.m. Permission slips are in the office and need to be returned to Mr. Francisco.
  • Air Force will be here at 10 AM on May 5. Sign up in guidance.
  • Seniors: You have 4 weeks to complete your community service. All hours must be turned in by May 16. Any questions, come to guidance.
  • Students are not allowed to use the Staff restroom in the office area.
  • May 8th at 12:45 there will be a Mock Accident presentation in our parking lot. This is a powerful event and worth the two hours it takes to perform.
  • May 9th is prom from 8PM-12PM at the Football Hall of Fame in Southbend.
  • May 14th is the last day of school for Seniors
  • May 15th, at 6:30PM at the Elks Lodge in Dowagiac we will hold Senior Honors Night
  • May 23rd at 6:30 PM in the High School Gym is graduation

Quote of the Week: A man may make mistakes, but he isn't a failure until he starts blaming someone else. -John Wooden

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Presenting for the State

Every now and then it's nice to get recognized for the hard work you do. That very thing happened for two of our hardest working teachers. Mrs. Hari and Mrs. Hargrove and I were asked to present the Enrichment/Tutorial program the teachers have created and implemented this year with the guidance of Dr. Pat Davenport. This process, a board supported goal to improve achievement throughout the district, has really caught fire here at RBJSHS. We have had other school districts from the county come to visit to observe how the teachers are putting it into place, received a wonderful write-up in the South Bend Tribune about it, and now we have presented at the Michigan Department of Education Spring School Improvement Conference. We must be doing something right! Soon I will be able to post a PowerPoint to show you how we have improved in just one year. The the best teachers and the best community doing what's best for the best students. Quite simply, I am privileged and grateful to be a part of it.

April Objectives

I can analyze data and statistics to figure out the average (also known as mean), median and mode.

I can use literary devices to identify conflict.
  • April 18th at 5:00 PM in the cafateria we are hosting a benefit dinner and silent auction for the Baldwin family. Tickets are $5 and avaiable in any school office.
  • April 18th is the day progress report grades are due into the office.
  • Prom tickets will be for sale through April 18th at a price of 2 for $65.00. After Friday they will be $70.00 for 2 tickets. See Miss Borsa or Mrs. Baer for tickets.
  • Juniors and Seniors who have been on the Honor Roll and are interested in going to
    Cedar Point with the NHS, see Mrs. Westrate ASAP. Limited seating – 1st come, 1st serve.
  • Spanish Club members going to Chicago: There will be a MANDATORY meeting Tuesday April 22nd in Sra. D's room during lunch - at 11:50. Grab your lunch and plan to attend the meeting!
  • Spring Sports pictures will be taken Wednesday, April 23rd. Your coaches will have the order forms and the schedules.
  • Seniors: please come to Mrs. Herwick's room and double check the spelling on your diploma before April 24.
  • The Army National Guard will be here on April 24 at 2:30. Please sign up in the guidance office
  • On Tues., April 22, S.M.C. will be here to talk to interested students about Dual Enrollment. Sign up in the guidance office. NOTE: This is for dual enrollment, NOT academies.
  • High School yearbooks will be for sale through May 1st for $45. If you do not buy one by May 1st you may not get one next year. The time has been extended for sales so don’t miss your chance.
  • Lakeland Clinic is seeking volunteers to assist with the processing of physicals on the afternoon of May 1.
  • Air Force will be here at 10 AM on May 5. Sign up in guidance.
  • Seniors: You have 4 weeks to complete your community service. All hours must be turned in by May 16. Any questions, come to guidance.
  • If you still need community service hours and you are willing to do some yard work, please see Mrs. Beebe or Mrs. Stump ASAP. Thanks.
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences are on April 25th at this building only.
  • The spring musical is on April 25th at 7:00 PM and on April 26th and 27th at 2:00PM. Come see Frog and Toad!
  • May 14th is the last day of school for Seniors
  • May 15th, at 6:30PM at the Elks Lodge in Dowagiac we will hold Senior Honors Night
  • May 23rd at 6:30 PM in the High School Gym is graduation

Quote of the Week: People who are only good with hammers see every problem as a nail. -Abraham Maslow

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spelling Bee Update!

We took First Place for the county in 8th grade, Second Place for 7th grade, and for the third year in a row, Victoria Pearson is the Individual County Champion! What an outstanding job from our students and their coaches. Congratulations to all!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lakeland Fine Arts Festival

On Thursday, 27 of our students attended the Lakeland Fine Arts Festival. This festival celebrates Band, Art, Choir and Drama with breakout sessions, keynote speakers, guest performances and ends with a dinner, artwork display and 90 minute performance highlighting what the students from all 8 of our conference schools can accomplish. It is always an amazing day and it rotates from district to district in alphabetical order. This year, Buchanan is hosting and next year the privilege is ours. Our students had a great day of fun and learning. Watch the video and check out the pictures. Congratulations to our amazing students and special thanks to Mrs. Herwick, Mrs. Hiscott and Mrs. Johnson for chaperoning them.

April Objectives

I can analyze data and statistics to figure out the average (also known as mean), median and mode.

I can use literary devices to identify conflict.
  • April 11th is the FFA dinner and award ceremony at 6:00PM in the cafeteria
  • May 18th at 5:00 PM in the cafateria we are hosting a benefit dinner and silent auction for the Baldwin family. Tickets are $5 and avaiable in any school office.
  • April 17th at 6:00 PM the Lewis Cass ISD is hosting a dinner for outstanding Career and Technical Ed students at SMC
  • April 18th is the day progress report grades are due into the office.
  • Prom tickets will be for sale through April 18 for $35 each. See Miss Borsa or Mrs. Baer for tickets.
  • Athletic Boosters’ scholarship applications are in the office.
  • Seniors, please see Mrs. Herwick sometime this week to double check the spelling on your diplomas and diploma covers.
  • Seniors: You have 5 weeks to complete your community service. All hours must be turned in by May 16. Any questions, come to guidance.
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences are on April 25th at this building only.
  • The spring musical is on April 25th at 7:00 PM and on April 26th and 27th at 2:00PM. Come see Frog and Toad!
  • May 14th is the last day of school for Seniors
  • May 15th, at 6:30PM at the Elks Lodge in Dowagiac we will hold Senior Honors Night
  • May 23rd at 6:30 PM in the High School Gym is graduation

Quote of the Week: The only thing some tests measure is your patience. -Todd Whitaker

Tuesday, April 1, 2008