Friday, October 31, 2008

Food Tasting

This week our Director of Food Service, Mrs. Robyn Bright and our Health teacher, Mr. Matt Brawley took the health class to Century Center in South Bend to the Stanz Food Show. There the students and Business Manager, Mr. Scott Thomas, learned a great deal about the nutrition of school lunches and then spent the afternoon tasting and filling out surveys on all the different foods from the many vendors. The students diligent work and opinions will determine what we eat here at Cassopolis Public Schools for the next year! I hope they chose wisely.

October Objectives

I can use integers, positive and negative whole numbers, in a variety of situations.

I can write and identify the beginning, middle and end in a piece of writing.

  • High School students who are interested in Science Olympiad need to see Mr.
    Chapman or Miss Hawkins ASAP.
  • College representatives are speaking with interested students. Please note the following dates and sign up in guidance to see these reps:
    Trine(formally Tri-State) will be here Nov. 3rd
    WMU – on Nov. 11
    Olivet will be here Nov. 12th
  • Anyone interested in taking an ACT prep class or receiving tutoring help after school please see Miss Angus.
  • Need community service hours? Students are needed to sell hot chocolate at
    the Dowagiac Christmas parade on December 5. This can be a lot of fun.
    Only six students are needed, so see Mrs. Beebe as soon as possible.
  • Seniors interested in attending Baker College Culinary Institute or Auto/Diesel Institute, check out scholarship opportunities on the guidance bulletin board.
  • High school wrestling conditioning starts next Monday, Nov. 3rd, 3:00 to
    4:00 in the wrestling room. If you are in season and are planning to
    wrestle, it would be a good idea to be there.
  • The Jr. High is collecting candy for the "Haunted Halls". Please bring in a
    bag of candy to the office.
  • Seniors, Keondra Williams has the order forms for the senior class shirts.
    Your money is due with your order. Please make checks payable to Cassopolis
    Public Schools. Please have money and orders in by Nov. 6th.
  • The Cass Co. Council on Aging is again offering the Life Skills Etiquette
    Workshop on November 12 from 8:30 AM until 2:15 PM. Breakfast and lunch
    will be served, and you will have the opportunity to attend several
    interesting and informative sessions. Dress clothes must be worn - no
    jeans. Space is limited, so if you are interested in attending, please see
    Ms. Angus or Mrs. Beebe in guidance as soon as possible. Thank you.
  • Students, you will not be allowed in the building until 7:00.
  • 7/8th grade football on Saturday, Nov. 8th, pick up your rules and
    registration form in the office.
  • There is a board meeting on November 10th at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
  • Mr. Habra will be out of the building the 5th for Training with Pat Davenport.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences are on Nov. 13th and 14th. No School for Students
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . A letter should arrive by Wednesday, September 24th with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week:

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. -Henry Ford

Friday, October 24, 2008

Second in the nation!

We are 2nd in the nation for Parliamentary Procedure over all, but we had the best team score for the exam (average 92%), the best chairperson (Tiffany Rogers) in the country and one of four perfect scores (Tiffany Rogers) on the exam.
Also, the way they decide who is first is that each judge gives points to each team and then based on those points rate each team as one, two, etc. When all the judges looked, Cassopolis and Arizona were tied. So the next thing they look at were the assigned points (I heard as many 750 points depending on how each team did) and again we were tied. Next they looked back at all the times the teams competed over the three days and compare those points. This amounts to thousands of points per team. We missed first place by 18 points.
Still, it is the first time Michigan has ever been to the final four, and second is the highest anyone in the state of Michigan has placed ever.
Cassopolis Rocks!

We made the Final Four!! (Well, five.)

It was a little weird, because the wrong name was circled for one of the four in the other heat and we ended up with five teams for the final four. Still we had one serious challenge (in my uneducated opinion) during the final four at 1:00 PM today and now we wait. We should know by seven tonight if we are the NATIONAL CHAMPIONS, but even if we are not this is as far as Michigan has ever been in the Parliamentary Procedure contest, so we are winners!

Waiting to compete in the semifinals.

Marching in to the semifinals.

Waiting to hear if we made the Final Four.

We made it!
Competing on the national stage.

The team standing on THE stage.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

FFA National Convention We are in the TOP 12!

Our team prepares to take the test that will determine who they meet in the first round.
Breakfast before the team comes down.
Waiting for the conference room to practice one more time before going to the first round of competition.
Getting ready to go to the holding room.
Last minute words before the waiting. The competition was tough, but we were the best I saw. Now it was a waiting game so we went to the Career Fair and looked at all the Blue and Gold.
Got the call at 5:30 PM,
We are in the top 12 in the country!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hartwick Pines

The Lewis-Cass ISD took Cassopolis Advanced Biology Class and Edwardsburg to Hartwick Pines State Park. There, the students, along with their chaperone's Miss Hawkins and Mr. Chapman, spent two days and a night learning about the old growth forest and visiting it. A very cool experience for our students.

October Objectives

I can use integers, positive and negative whole numbers, in a variety of situations.

I can write and identify the beginning, middle and end in a piece of writing.

  • Fall sports pictures are in the office, if you have not received yours,
    please pick them up.
  • College representatives are speaking with interested students. Please note the following dates and sign up in guidance to see these reps:
    HolyCross – Oct. 28
    Albion College will be here on Oct. 21
    Michigan Technical University - October 23
    Lake Michigan College will be here Oct 24
  • Anyone interested in taking an ACT prep class or receiving tutoring help after school please see Miss Angus.
  • The Presidential election is coming soon to Cassopolis Jr./Sr. High School. If
    you would like to vote on Election Day, you will need to be registered by
    Oct. 31st. The registration process will take place in the library. Please
    go to the library on your own time, not during class time. This is your
    responsibility. Staff must also register in the library to vote in this
    mock election.
  • Seniors interested in attending Baker College Culinary Institute or
    Auto/Diesel Institute, check out scholarship opportunities on the guidance
    bulletin board.
  • Freshman: Top candle seller will receive $15.00 in cash. Remember all
    orders and money due Oct. 27th.
  • The Jr. High is collecting candy for the "Haunted Halls". Please bring in a
    bag of candy to the office.
  • "Hot Chocolate with the Principal" will take place for students on October
    21st in the library from 8-10 AM. Please sign up with Mrs. Anderson if you
    have an issue, comment, concern, or just want to talk with Mr. Habra about
    something. Please note the date change.
  • The Cass Co. Council on Aging is again offering the Life Skills Etiquette
    Workshop on November 12 from 8:30 AM until 2:15 PM. Breakfast and lunch
    will be served, and you will have the opportunity to attend several
    interesting and informative sessions. Dress clothes must be worn - no
    jeans. Space is limited, so if you are interested in attending, please see
    Ms. Angus or Mrs. Beebe in guidance as soon as possible. Thank you.
  • There is a board meeting on the 27th at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
  • Mr. Habra will be out of the building the 22nd through the 24th to attend the FFA convention and the 28th for leadership training.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . A letter should arrive by Wednesday, September 24th with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week:

The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority and show disrespect to their elders. They contradict their parents and are tyrants over their teachers. -Plato 427-347 BC