Friday, March 27, 2009

JAG is coming!

The Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) program is coming to Cassopolis Ross Beatty Jr/Sr High School. Watch the videos to learn a little about what the students were told and click on the link above to learn more about the program as a whole. It is national program funded through Michigan Works and has been piloted in Michigan at Benton Harbor High School for the past year.
This program is going to be run during the regular school day for both elective and college credit with one group of Sophomores and one group of Juniors. It is all about teaching students the skills they need to successfully interview and then get a job. If you need more information or you want your student involved, please give Mrs. Angus or Mrs. Beebe a call at 445-0533 because the applications the student needs to fill out to get in the program is due by Wednesday, April 1st.

I can construct, read and interpret all types of charts and graphs.

I can proofread and edit my own writing and the writing of others.

  • National Honor Society members who are in need of community service hours, see Mrs. Westrate for information about a fun and easy way to earn hours.
  • Seniors, if you do not have Mrs. Herwick for class this trimester, please stop by her room and pick up a copy of your senior letter. This has important information concerning graduation, and the last few weeks of school.
  • The FFA Banquet is being held on Friday the 27th in the Cafeteria starting at 6:00PM.
  • High school boys, if you are interested in some after school work, see Mrs. Stump ASAP for details.
  • Attention juniors and seniors: If you are interested in taking dual enrollment classes at SMC next year, sign up in the guidance office right away.
  • ATTENTION JUNIORS: If you are puzzled about college next year, you might want to attend Junior Day at Lake Michigan College on Wednesday, April 22. You can learn about degree and transfer programs, participate in the Spring Fling fun day and meet LMC professors. Lunch will be provided. See the posters near the guidance office for more information.
  • Middle school students, if you did not buy a yearbook – you’re in luck, we have a few extra copies. See Mrs. May with $13 to reserve your copy. It’s on a first come, first serve basis.
  • "Ranger Gear for Softball" is available. Order forms are in the office. Pick one up today.
  • Seniors: If you live in LaGrange Township and plan to attend SMC, see the guidance office for the LaGrange Twp. SMC Scholarship.

  • Seniors: On the window of the guidance office is the list of seniors still needing community service hours, and the number of hours they still need before graduation. We would like to remind you that you have approximately six weeks to complete these hours. Community service hours are A GRADUATION REQUIREMENT. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR SERVICE HOURS COMPLETED OR YOU WILL NOT GRADUATE.
  • Vision screening will next Monday, March 30th in the morning for 7th and 9th graders.
  • Friday, April 3rd is a half day and Spring Break starts on Aptil 6th.
  • There is a board meeting on April 13th at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
  • Mr. Habra will be out of the building on April 1st for a presentation at LCISD.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . A letter should have arrived with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week:

We are not going to solve today's problems relying on the past's paradigm.

-Author Unknown

Friday, March 20, 2009

FFA, Boys Basketball and Wrestling

As promised, some pictures from the last two weeks. It seems I put a lot of extra curriculars on here, but these are just the icing on the cake. It's great that we do well in sports and that we have a nationally ranked FFA, but nothing is more important than academics. We are working hard to help everyone outside the district understand the outstanding teachers and focus on higher learning that takes place in our building everyday.
This past Tuesday we invited every parent whose student is interested in Advanced Placement(AP) classes to our library (we are expanding from just AP Literature to AP Biology next year) where the teachers discussed the commitment required of the students and Mr. Weatherspoon, our superintendent, discussed the commitment required of their guardians. AP classes are hard, harder than many college classes, but every student who takes these classes is better prepared for whatever comes next. There is no fanfare, no drum line down the hall (although maybe we should do that before the exam), and no cheering crowds. All that comes from taking these classes is the knowledge that you have grown and that you can meet those challenges that come without choice certain that you are better prepared than if you had taken the easy road. It may not be as glamorous but it is the reason we have the best educational community I have ever known.

I can construct, read and interpret all types of charts and graphs.

I can proofread and edit my own writing and the writing of others.

  • Hot Chocolate with the Principal is this Tuesday from 8:00 to 10:30 AM. Please sign up with Mrs. Anderson.
  • Representatives from Buchanan High School and Dowagiac High School will be in the building on Wednesday the 25th to visit the Enrichment/Tutorial process.
  • The FFA Banquet is being held on Friday the 27th in the Cafeteria.
  • April 3rd is a half day.
  • Attention students needing community service hours: The Lewis Cass ISD is planning a Parent night on Tuesday, March 24 from 4 to 7 pm, volunteers are needed to help. See guidance for details.
  • All juniors will be called down to the auditorium first hour next Monday (March 9) for an assembly on MME.
  • Seniors: Your community service hours are posted on the guidance window and across from the guidance office. Please check to see how many hours you still need to meet the graduation requirement. And remember, there are opportunities for service posted in guidance.
  • There is a board meeting on March 23rd at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
  • Mr. Habra will be out of the building on March 12th and 13th for leadership training and the FFA state competition.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . A letter should have arrived with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week (worth repeating!):

Maybe the only thing better than teaching is learning.

-Todd Whitaker

Monday, March 16, 2009

Missed Week

Between FFA at State (we swept!) boys district basketball (we lost) and just being out of the building, I missed the blog update this week. I will have lots of pictures and announcements next week, but just a couple important things that can't be missed...

  1. The AP meeting for Juniors and Sophomores and their parents is this Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM in the high school in the library, not the auditorium.
  2. Honor Roll Breakfast is at 8 for Jr High and 9 for High School this Thursday morning. Your child will have the invitation.
  3. Breakfast with the Principal for students has been changed to Tuesday the 24th, please sign up with Mrs. Anderson.

See you next week!

Friday, March 6, 2009

District Championship for Girls BB!

I know that I promised some people videos that were made by Mr. Shultz' room on math, but it turns out that the format they were recorded on was incompatible with the web, I apologize. On the other hand this have given me a chance to post this video of the drum line celebrating our girls game this evening against Mendon for the district championship. Good luck Lady Rangers!

The MME/ACT/Work Keys testing battery for Juniors is this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 10th, 11th, and 12th. Get a good night's sleep and be to school on time! We can't let anyone in who is late!

I can construct, read and interpret all types of charts and graphs.

I can proofread and edit my own writing and the writing of others.

  • H.S. softball practice next Monday, March 9th, at 5:00 p.m. in the high school gym. Bring appropriate clothing.
  • H.S. baseball practice starts next Monday, March 9th right after school. Bring clothes for both inside and outside.
  • ALL high school wrestlers, you must turn in your equipment and singlets to Coach McCoy by Tuesday.
  • HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS – IF YOU PLAN ON PLAYING TENNIS, YOU NEED TO BE AT AN IMPORTANT MEETING on Sat., March 7th at 1 pm to 3 pm in the Sam Adams gym.
    If you cannot make it, please call the tennis coach ASAP or he will assume you are not playing.
  • Attention students needing community service hours: The Lewis Cass ISD is planning a Parent night on Tuesday, March 24 from 4 to 7 pm, volunteers are needed to help. See guidance for details.
  • Congratulations to the Middle School Science Olympiad (grades 7-9) who placed 7th overall at the Regional Competition yesterday and brought home 5 ribbons and 3 medals. Everyone worked so hard and tried their very best. Individual event winners were Celia Ash, Molly Moroz, Tim Coates, Gavin Francis, Cameron Hayden, Malika Malik, Ashlie Herman, and Brandyn Polmateer. Mrs. May would like to thank everyone for the hard work and great behavior!!
  • Congratulations to the H.S. Science Olympiad on a great performance at Regionals yesterday. The team was led by outstanding performances by Robert Moore and Brandon Garwood – (5th place Dynamic Planet), Lizzy Mays and Jessica Biek – (6th place Forensics), Lizza Mays, Jessica Biek and Emily Hartsell – (6th place Picture This.) Marcus Ruff and Brooke Lindley – (8th place, remote sensing.) Agust Olafsson and Marcus Ruff - (8th place Disease Detective) and Jessica Biek and Lizza Mays – (8th place Write, it Do it).
  • Girls’ Club Soccer registration forms are in the office. Pick one up today.
  • All juniors will be called down to the auditorium first hour next Monday (March 9) for an assembly on MME.
  • All students taking the MME, please remember to bring in your permission slip to leave school after testing next week. You must have your permission slip in to Guidance by MONDAY.
  • Prom tickets will be for sale starting March 9th through March 20th. The cost is $35 each. See Miss Borsa, Mrs. Baer or a prom committee member.
  • ATTENTION JUNIORS: Western Michigan University is holding its annual WMU SPOTLIGHT, an exciting opportunity for high school juniors and their families to experience WMU. It will be held Saturday, March 21, from 9 AM until noon. The event includes presentations, tours, and lunch in the dining halls. It is not too early to begin planning for your future. More information is available in guidance.
  • The following SENIORS: Evan, Stefone, Caila, Marcus, James, Nathan, Brandon, Prescott, Ashley, Darby, Corey, Melvin, Chris L., Robert, Andrew, Cole, Randy, Nikki, and Steven, please see Mrs. Anderson your pictures that are Needed. These are past due, example: baby, Kindergarten, Elementary age, Jr/High School, Current/Senior. The final cutoff date is March 18th if you do not have them in by then, its possible you will not be on the Project Graduation DVD.
  • Seniors: Your community service hours are posted on the guidance window and across from the guidance office. Please check to see how many hours you still need to meet the graduation requirement. And remember, there are opportunities for service posted in guidance.
  • State competition for FFA runs March 11th-13th in Lansing. Good Luck!
  • There is a board meeting on March 9th at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
  • Mr. Habra will be out of the building on March 12th and 13th for leadership training and the FFA state competition.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . A letter should have arrived with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week:

Maybe the only thing better than teaching is learning.

-Todd Whitaker