Monday, May 19, 2008

Great America St. Jude's Math Trip and Senior Honors Night

Sorry this took a couple extra days, but this is a very busy time of year. Graduation is just around the corner (this Friday) and we are busy checking credits, making sure of the details and generally preparing for the class of 2008's big day. At the same time we had Senior Honors Night, the Undergraduate Awards Assembly, a meeting for Junior Parent's about next year's graduation, and the list goes on. Still, as busy as this time of year is, it is also bittersweet. Even as we have orientation for our incoming 6th graders, we are preparing to send a new group of graduates out into the world. We wish them well and congratulate them. They have worked hard and they have earned their diploma's. Their parents, grandparents, guardians and families have much to be proud of and all I can add is how happy I am to be able to wish them the very best.

May Objectives

I can measure in a variety of unit types such as: distance, capacity, weight, volume, area and time.
I can look at two pieces of writing and compare and contrast.

  • Driver’s Education Segment I starts June 2nd. Sign up sheet is in the office. The first 40 people to sign up and to pay will be accepted. The cost is $350.00 plus $20 for books. You must be 14 years and 8 months by June 2, 2008.
  • On the 19th and 20th 6th grade will be visiting us for orientation to the building.
  • Graduation Practice is May 21st at 1:00 PM
  • May 23rd at 6:30 PM in the High School Gym is graduation
  • May 26th there is No School for Students or Staff
  • May 28th is 8th Grade graduation at 1:30 PM in the Auditorium
  • May 28th at 6:30 PM is the Winter and Spring Athletic Awards Ceremony in the Auditorium
  • May 29th and 30th are Final Exam days, with the 30th being a half day for students.
  • May 29th is the 7th and 8th grade Ranger Relays out on the track.

Quote of the Week: It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well. -Rene Descartes

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