Friday, April 23, 2010

CTE Scholarship Winners and Ms. Hawkin's Science on Fire!

Mrs. Brooke Hari wrote me after the Career and Technical Education Awards for Lewis Cass ISD this past week and here is what she wrote:

Last night the following students received CTE awards at the LCISD. Josh Montgomery, Zach Gay, Stephanie Stickle, and Ashley Williams. Along with receiving awards, all of our students received $250 scholarships to SMC. Twenty-three students were recognized from the county, 10 of the 23 received scholarships, and of the 10--4 were from RBHS.

This is just another example of the amazing achievements that continue to occur at our High School and in our educational community. Ladies and Gentlemen: WE ROCK!

I would also like to highlight something fun happening in Ms. Hawkins' classrooms. This ambitious teacher planned and executed four labs in the same day, including a "blood splatter" lab for forensics! Another really fun lab was one that showed, in an extremely graphic display, how many calories could be found in a variety of foods. She did this by having the students light the foods on fire and then seeing how many degrees the burning food raised a test tube of water's temperature. I saw one group who actually got water to boil with a nut. They were very excited and were learning like crazy!

Math Focus

I can compare fractions, compute fractions and use fractions to describe everyday situations.

English Focus

I can connect my prior knowledge to what I am reading.

  • Seniors: You have until tomorrow to turn in your cards, and your money for the senior fundraiser. If you do not turn in your card, you will be charged a 15.00 card replacement fee.
  • Seniors: If your name is not on the guidance window, please tell Mrs. Beebe where you have been accepted to college.
  • ART STUDENTS High school students: Pick up your marionettes and busts that were in the display case from Mrs. Johnson. Junior High you may pick up your mancala board games from Mrs. Johnson
  • Need something to do this weekend? Thespian Troupe 2323 will be presenting The Music Man this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The musical is a fun and song-filled celebration of small time life. Cast members have worked incredibly hard to bring everyone a couple hours of great entertainment, so we hope that many of you will come to the performances. Showtimes are Friday and Saturday at 7:00 and Sunday at 2.00, with the bargain price of $5.00 for students, and $7.00 for general admission. Hope to see you there!
  • Students if your family is interested in hosting an exchange student next year, see the guidance office.
  • ETS Meetings has been changed to Tuesday the 27th in the Library: Seniors 3rd hour; 7th grade 4th hour; 8th grade 5th hour.

  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . If you need your login information you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.

  • The next Board meeting is April 26th in the High School Library at 7:00 PM.

Teacher Section

  • Breakfast duty the week of April 26: 7:20 – 7:35 Borsa and Ridge; 7:35 – 7:45 Jekel and Mourning
  • Grades are due Monday the 26th by the end of the day, they will run that evening.

  • ETS Meetings has been changed to Tuesday April 27th in the Library: Seniors 3rd hour; 7th grade 4th hour; 8th grade 5th hour

Quote of the Week

Teaching is the highest form of understanding.


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