Monday, January 26, 2009

Ed Yes Delay

Every year the state requires the building to turn in a survey of the staff on 40 school improvement indicators and I have been somewhat consumed with that for the past week. This is a very detailed process that looks into a lot of areas. If you are interested in what the report entails, click here. Now I have to get back to it, so I'll see you next week!

I can take a stand in my writing and support it with facts and details..

I can understand Probability. (The likelihood that an event will occur.)

  • High school "Winter Dance" has been cancelled.
  • Girls’ soccer survey. Today (26th) and tomorrow (27th) are the last days to pick up and return the surveys in the office.
  • For anyone who is planning on auditioning for Charlie Brown, there has been a slight change in the time. Both Monday and Tuesday audition sessions will end at 6:30, not 7:00. Those people interested in auditioning for one of the main roles, come anytime on Monday and Tuesday between 4:30 and 6:30. If you have any questions, see Ms. Porath.
  • Seniors: there are three NEW scholarships available in the guidance office. 1) If you are pursuing a career in engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, planning and/or land surveying, the Abonmarche Academic Scholarship may apply to you. 2) The Rosa Parks Scholarship is worth $2,500. You must have a GPA of 2.5 or above and demonstrate financial need. And 3) The Michigan State Troopers Assistance Fund requires a 3.25 GPA, community service and leadership ability. Stop in the guidance office and pick up an application for one or more of these scholarships if they apply to you.
  • Seniors: The John Young III memorial Scholarship is now available in the guidance office. To apply, you must have at least a 2.5 GPA and be accepted into a full-time undergraduate program in a public college or university. Application deadline is April 30th.
  • Seniors: Your community service hours are posted on the guidance window and across from the guidance office. Please check to see how many hours you still need to meet the graduation requirement. And remember, there are opportunities for service posted in guidance.
  • Donkey Basketball will be here Saturday, Feb. 7th. If you are interested in being a donkey rider, see Mrs. Westrate ASAP. This is for Staff and Students. Students MUST be 16 years old. There are limited spaces available. Tickets will be available in the office for $6. At the door, the cost will be $8.
  • 7/8th grade Semi-formal dance will be Feb. 11th from 6 to 9 PM.
  • There is a board meeting on January 26th at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
  • Also the 26th is Instructional Council Meeting at 3:45 PM at Red Brick.
  • Also the 26th is the School Improvement Team meeting at 2:50 in the media center.
  • This weeks staff meeting will consist of voting on ED YES with the clickers.
  • Mr. Habra will be out of the building on Feb 3rd for half a day for leadership training and on Feb. 5th for School Improvement with Dr. Pat Davenport.
  • Tuesday, Jan. 27th, at 3:30 there will be a Mentor/Mentee meeting in the H.S. library. The topic will be "Framework for Understanding Poverty" All are welcome.
  • Thursday, Jan. 29th – Bible release day.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . A letter should have arrived with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week:

Growing up in a loving home is the best break anyone can have. -Walter Mondale

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