Monday, February 2, 2009

7th Grade Science Class

It is always a pleasure to watch student's learn. That same pleasure is heightened when the students are having so much fun they don't even know they are learning. Mrs. May's science class is a lot like that. On the day I stopped by they were doing a whole series of experiments on a variety of subjects. The bell would ring and the teams would shift to the next experiment. The students couldn't wait to complete the experiment they were doing, and then they couldn't wait to get to the next one. They were obviously having a great time and, in their minds, learning about science was secondary. What was obvious to me, as I asked the students why they were doing what they were doing, is that they understood. Sounds like a great lesson, doesn't it?

I can take a stand in my writing and support it with facts and details.

I can understand probability (the likelihood an event will occur).

  • Wrestling “Ranger Gear” order forms are in the office. Pick one up today. Orders and money need to be to Mr. Hubbard by Feb. 12th.
  • There will be a Prom Committee meeting tomorrow, Feb. 3 in Miss Borsa's room during lunch.
  • There will be a short meeting for all Juniors and Seniors concerning Prom on Wednesday, February 4 in the auditorium during Channel One. Report to your first hour and you will be dismissed from there.
  • Seniors: The Leo Kriziz and Esther Krziza-Condry Healthcare Education Scholarship is now available in guidance. If you are planning to attend a Michigan school and study any field of healthcare, this scholarship is for you.
  • Seniors: Your community service hours are posted on the guidance window and across from the guidance office. Please check to see how many hours you still need to meet the graduation requirement. And remember, there are opportunities for service posted in guidance.
  • High School softball sign up is in the office. This is for girls in grades 9 through 12.
  • Donkey Basketball tickets are for sale in the office. The price is $6. At the door, it will cost $8. Come out and enjoy an evening of fun.
  • 7/8th grade Semi-formal dance will be Feb. 11th from 6 to 9 PM.
  • Optimist Soccer registrations form are in the office. This is for students through 8th grade only.
  • There will be a senior class meeting on Tuesday during Channel One in Mrs. Herwick's room. We will be discussing homecoming.
  • Want to show your special Valentine how much you care? Order a giant personalized Valentine cookie for $3.00 from the cafeteria. Order by Feb. 6th and you can pick it up on Feb. 13th. Order blanks are on the serving lines.
  • There is a board meeting on February 9th at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
  • Mr. Habra will be out of the building on Feb 3rd for half a day for leadership training and on Feb. 5th for School Improvement with Dr. Pat Davenport.
  • There is no school on Feb. 16th for President's day.
  • Feb. 13th-15th at 7:00 PM the Afro Club is putting on a play for Black History month. Come and enjoy!
  • FFA Districts are taking place at the high school on the 5th starting at 5:00 PM.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . A letter should have arrived with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week:

If you want to find out whether what you are doing for kids is good, just ask them. -Dale Lumpa

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