Friday, February 6, 2009

Cassopolis FFA Sweeps Districts and New Technology in Mr. Chapman's Room

On Thursday, February 5th, the Cassopolis FFA swept the districts, taking the top spots in every thing we competed in. Our teams will now go on to Regionals in Junior High Conduct of Meetings, Green Hand, Agricultural Issues, Green Hand Public Speaking and Prepared Public Speaking. Regionals is in Homer on Thursday, February 19th. Call the school for more information if you would like to attend.

Special thanks to Mrs. George for the organization of the competition that went off without a hitch, and the food prepared by Mrs. Bright and her staff (Nacho Bar with yummy desserts) which left everyone with a satisfied smile at the end of the night. Congratulations!
Final Results:
Greenhand public speaking – First Place Gold (Michaela Lee);
Prepared public speaking – First Place Gold (Tiffany Rogers);
Agricultural Issues – First place gold (Ryan Stover, Steven Butler, Kyle Miller, Meg Hein, Chris Coates, Stephanie Stickle);
Junior High Conduct of Meetings Team – First Place Gold (Libby Hein, Mary Green, Hannah Deubner, Brooke Borsa, Jessica Waldschmidt, Josh Green, Jesse Richey);
Junior High Conduct of Meetings Team – Second Place Gold – (Ele Hein, Jenny Stickle, Matt Miller, Brad Miller, Emily Waldschmidt);Greenhand Conduct of Meetings Team – First Place Gold – (Ashley Rogers, Rachel Mroz, Desirae Massey, Brandyn Polmateer, Samantha Stutzman, Torri Irvine, Tim Coates)
Mr. Chapman purchased a new piece of technology for his classroom. This "pen" costs around $60 and converts everything he writes on a regular piece of paper into an image on the computer in any color he chooses. After that, and with a click of a button, it turns it into a typed document. The students loved it! By the time they get into the workplace, these pens will be everywhere, so it's important to introduce the students to the technology now!

I can take a stand in my writing and support it with facts and details.

I can understand probability (the likelihood an event will occur).

  • The Cass county Republican Women’s Club Scholarship is now available. You must be a resident of Cass County and if you are over 18, you must be registered to vote. See guidance for an application.
  • Wrestling "Ranger Gear" order forms are in the office. Pick one up today. Orders and money need to be to Mr. Hubbard by Feb. 12th.
  • To the cast of Charlie Brown – the February play schedules are ready. Come to the library to pick up your copy.
  • Club pictures will be taken on Wed., Feb. 11th in the auditorium beginning at 10:55. Make arrangements to be here if you would like your picture in the yearbook.
  • Seniors: Your community service hours are posted on the guidance window and across from the guidance office. Please check to see how many hours you still need to meet the graduation requirement. And remember, there are opportunities for service posted in guidance.
  • Middle school yearbooks will be for sale starting next week. They will be sold until the end of February. Make sure you order one if you want one because we will only order what we have pre-sold. This year they are 100% color and priced at $13.
  • The middle school yearbook will be taking club/organization pictures Tuesday, Feb. 10th. Make sure you are present and look nice. Varsity club members, wear some Ranger gear for your club picture.
  • 7/8th grade Semi-formal dance will be Feb. 11th from 6 to 9 PM. School Dress Code Applies. Students must be in school all day on Feb. 11th in order to attend the dance.
  • Optimist Soccer registrations form are in the office. This is for students through 8th grade only.
  • Girls’ Tennis sign up is in the office.
  • Valentine Grams with flowers $1.00 each on sale next week. Someone will be around during 1st hour next week. Get your money ready.
  • SENIORS! If you would like your picture in the school composite (pictures outside the auditorium) Mrs. Anderson needs to know what picture you would like. If you did not have your picture taken by Prestige you will need a photo release form and $25 to have your picture in the composite, you will also receive a composite. Information is due to Mrs. Anderson by February 25th. Additional questions contact Prestige at 877-878-7109.
  • Representatives from Lake Michigan College will be here at 9 AM on Monday, Feb. 9 to talk about scholarships. Sign up in guidance.
  • There will be assemblies all day Monday Feb. 9th by grade level to discuss the student RTP Survey results.
  • Hot Chocolate with the Principal is Feb. 18th in the library from 8-10 AM. Please sign-up with Mrs. Anderson.
  • There is a board meeting on February 9th at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center.
  • Mr. Habra will be out of the building on Feb. 17th for School Improvement with Dr. Pat Davenport and the morning of the 19th to train Squires staff on the use of the DDA.
  • There is no school on Feb. 16th for President's day.
  • Homecoming and senior night is Feb. 20th. Plan to be there!
  • Feb. 13th-15th at 7:00 PM the Afro Club is putting on a play for Black History month. Come and enjoy!
  • FFA Districts are taking place at the high school on the 5th starting at 5:00 PM.
  • PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Check out your student's grades and attendance at . A letter should have arrived with your login information, or you can call Mrs. Anderson at 445-0541.
Quote of the Week:

If teaching were easy, we wouldn't need teachers! -Todd Whitaker

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